佣金: 股票 vs 期货#

对于数据代表的含义,“backtrader”试图保持不可知性。 不同的佣金方案可以应用于相同的数据集。



这样可以让最终用户远离“CommissionInfo”对象,因为可以通过单个函数调用创建/设置佣金方案。 在常规的“cerebro”创建/设置过程中,只需在“broker”成员属性上添加一次“setcommission”调用即可。 以下调用在使用“Interactive Brokers”处理“Eurostoxx50”期货时设置了一种通常的佣金方案:

cerebro.broker.setcommission(commission=2.0, margin=2000.0, mult=10.0)

由于大多数用户通常只测试单个工具,因此这就是所做的全部。 如果您给数据提供了一个“name”,因为在图表上同时考虑了几个工具,这个调用可以稍微扩展如下:

cerebro.broker.setcommission(commission=2.0, margin=2000.0, mult=10.0, name=’Eurostoxxx50’)


  • commission (默认值: 0.0

    每次操作 所需的货币单位,可以是绝对值或百分比。



    • 如果 margin 评估为 False (例如,False、0或None),则认为 commission 表示 price 乘以 size 操作值的百分比。

    • 如果 margin 是其他值,则认为操作发生在类似”期货”的工具上,而 commission 是每个 size 合同的固定价格。

  • margin (默认值: None


    • 如果没有设置 保证金 ,则会将 commission 理解为百分比,并应用于 price * size 部分的”买入”或”卖出”操作中。- 如果设置了“margin”,则理解“commission”是一个固定值,乘以“buy”或“sell”操作的“size”组成部分

  • “mult”(默认值:1.0)



  • “name”(默认值:None)





之前的期货示例::cerebro.broker.setcommission(commission=2.0, margin=2000.0, mult=10.0)


cerebro.broker.setcommission(commission=0.005)  # 交易金额的0.5%


第二种语法没有设置 marginmultbacktrader 会根据佣金来智能计算。

要完全指定佣金计划,需要创建 CommissionInfo 的子类。


可以通过直接使用 CommissionInfo 类来创建一个更长期的佣金计划。用户可以选择在某个地方进行定义:

import backtrader as bt

commEurostoxx50 = bt.CommissionInfo(commission=2.0, margin=2000.0, mult=10.0)为了在另一个Python模块中稍后使用 ``addcommissioninfo`` :

from mycomm import commEurostoxx50

cerebro.broker.addcommissioninfo(commEurostoxx50, name=’Eurostoxx50’)


CommissionInfo 是一个对象,它使用与 backtrader 环境中的其他对象相同的 params 声明。因此,上述代码也可以表示为:


import backtrader as bt

class CommEurostoxx50(bt.CommissionInfo):

params = dict(commission=2.0, margin=2000.0, mult=10.0)




from mycomm import CommEurostoxx50

```现在使用 SMA 交叉作为入场/出场信号,将使用相同的数据集测试具有类似期货的佣金方案,然后再测试具有类似股票的方案。




futures_like = True

if futures_like:
    commission, margin, mult = 2.0, 2000.0, 10.0
    commission, margin, mult = 0.005, None, 1

只需将 futures_like 设置为 false,即可使用类似股票的方案运行。



2006-03-09, 买入创建,3757.59
2006-03-10, 买入执行,价格:3754.13,成本:2000.00,佣金 2.00
2006-04-11, 卖出创建,3788.81
2006-04-12, 卖出执行,价格:3786.93,成本:2000.00,佣金 2.00
2006-04-12, 操作利润,总额 328.00,净额 324.00
2006-04-20, 买入创建,3860.00
2006-04-21, 买入执行,价格:3863.57,成本:2000.00,佣金 2.00
2006-04-28, 卖出创建,3839.90
2006-05-02, 卖出执行,价格:3839.24,成本:2000.00,佣金 2.00
2006-05-02, 操作利润,总额 -243.30,净额 -247.30对于股票::

2006-04-12,操作利润,毛利 32.80,净利润 -4.91
2006-05-02,操作利润,毛利 -24.33,净利润 -62.84


  • 买入(执行)-> 3754.13 / 卖出(执行)-> 3786.93

    • 期货利润和损失(含佣金):324.0

    • 股票利润和损失(含佣金):-4.91

嘿!! 佣金完全吃掉了“股票”操作的任何利润, 但对“期货”操作只造成了一个小破坏。


  • 买入(执行)-> 3863.57 / 卖出(执行)-> 3389.24

    • 期货利润和损失(含佣金):-247.30

    • 股票利润和损失(含佣金):-62.84


  • 期货累积净盈亏: 324.00 + (-247.30) = 76.70

  • 股票累积净盈亏: (-4.91) + (-62.84) = -67.75


但是最重要的是:无论是“期货”还是“股票”…… 都可以进行回测




class backtrader.CommInfoBase(*args, **kwargs)#

Base Class for the Commission Schemes.


  • commission (def: 0.0): base commission value in percentage or monetary units

  • mult (def 1.0): multiplier applied to the asset for value/profit

  • margin (def: None): amount of monetary units needed to open/hold an operation. It only applies if the final _stocklike attribute in the class is set to False

  • automargin (def: False): Used by the method get_margin to automatically calculate the margin/guarantees needed with the following policy

    • Use param margin if param automargin evaluates to False

    • Use param mult * price if automargin < 0

    • Use param automargin * price if automargin > 0

  • commtype (def: None): Supported values are CommInfoBase.COMM_PERC (commission to be understood as %) and CommInfoBase.COMM_FIXED (commission to be understood as monetary units)

    The default value of None is a supported value to retain compatibility with the legacy CommissionInfo object. If commtype is set to None, then the following applies:

    • margin is None: Internal _commtype is set to COMM_PERC and _stocklike is set to True (Operating %-wise with Stocks)

    • margin is not None: _commtype set to COMM_FIXED and _stocklike set to False (Operating with fixed rount-trip commission with Futures)

    If this param is set to something else than None, then it will be passed to the internal _commtype attribute and the same will be done with the param stocklike and the internal attribute _stocklike

  • stocklike (def: False): Indicates if the instrument is Stock-like or Futures-like (see the commtype discussion above)

  • percabs (def: False): when commtype is set to COMM_PERC, whether the parameter commission has to be understood as XX% or 0.XX

    If this param is True: 0.XX If this param is False: XX%

  • interest (def: 0.0)

    If this is non-zero, this is the yearly interest charged for holding a short selling position. This is mostly meant for stock short-selling

    The formula: days * price * abs(size) * (interest / 365)

    It must be specified in absolute terms: 0.05 -> 5%


    the behavior can be changed by overriding the method: _get_credit_interest

  • interest_long (def: False)

    Some products like ETFs get charged on interest for short and long positions. If ths is True and interest is non-zero the interest will be charged on both directions

  • leverage (def: 1.0)

    Amount of leverage for the asset with regards to the needed cash

- ``_stocklike``

Final value to use for Stock-like/Futures-like behavior

- ``_commtype``

Final value to use for PERC vs FIXED commissions

This two are used internally instead of the declared params to enable the
compatibility check described above for the legacy ``CommissionInfo``
class backtrader.CommissionInfo(*args, **kwargs)#

Base Class for the actual Commission Schemes.

CommInfoBase was created to keep suppor for the original, incomplete, support provided by backtrader. New commission schemes derive from this class which subclasses CommInfoBase.

The default value of percabs is also changed to True


  • percabs (def: True): when commtype is set to COMM_PERC, whether the parameter commission has to be understood as XX% or 0.XX

    If this param is True: 0.XX If this param is False: XX%


Returns the level of leverage allowed for this comission scheme

getsize(price, cash)#

Returns the needed size to meet a cash operation at a given price

getoperationcost(size, price)#

Returns the needed amount of cash an operation would cost

getvaluesize(size, price)#

Returns the value of size for given a price. For future-like objects it is fixed at size * margin

getvalue(position, price)#

Returns the value of a position given a price. For future-like objects it is fixed at size * margin


Returns the actual margin/guarantees needed for a single item of the asset at the given price. The default implementation has this policy:

  • Use param margin if param automargin evaluates to False

  • Use param mult * price if automargin < 0

  • Use param automargin * price if automargin > 0

getcommission(size, price)#

Calculates the commission of an operation at a given price

_getcommission(size, price, pseudoexec)#

Calculates the commission of an operation at a given price

pseudoexec: if True the operation has not yet been executed

profitandloss(size, price, newprice)#

Return actual profit and loss a position has

cashadjust(size, price, newprice)#

Calculates cash adjustment for a given price difference

get_credit_interest(data, pos, dt)#

Calculates the credit due for short selling or product specific

_get_credit_interest(data, size, price, days, dt0, dt1)#

This method returns the cost in terms of credit interest charged by the broker.

In the case of size > 0 this method will only be called if the parameter to the class interest_long is True

The formulat for the calculation of the credit interest rate is:

The formula: days * price * abs(size) * (interest / 365)

  • data: data feed for which interest is charged

  • size: current position size. > 0 for long positions and < 0 for short positions (this parameter will not be 0)

  • price: current position price

  • days: number of days elapsed since last credit calculation (this is (dt0 - dt1).days)

  • dt0: (datetime.datetime) current datetime

  • dt1: (datetime.datetime) datetime of previous calculation

dt0 and dt1 are not used in the default implementation and are provided as extra input for overridden methods