OwaWeights 源代码

""""""  #
Copyright (c) 2020-2023, Dany Cajas
All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License.
License available at https://github.com/dcajasn/Riskfolio-Lib/blob/master/LICENSE.txt

import numpy as np
import cvxpy as cp
import math
from scipy.special import binom

__all__ = [

[文档] def owa_l_moment(T, k=2): r""" Calculate the OWA weights to calculate the kth linear moment (l-moment) of a returns series as shown in :cite:`d-Cajas6`. Parameters ---------- T : int Number of observations of the returns series. k : int Order of the l-moment. Must be an integer higher or equal than 1. Returns ------- value : 1d-array An OWA weights vector of size Tx1. """ w = [] for i in range(1, T + 1): a = 0 for j in range(k): a += (-1) ** j * binom(k - 1, j) * binom(i - 1, k - 1 - j) * binom(T - i, j) a *= 1 / (k * binom(T, k)) w.append(a) return np.array(w).reshape(-1, 1)
[文档] def owa_gmd(T): r""" Calculate the OWA weights to calculate the Gini mean difference (GMD) of a returns series as shown in :cite:`d-Cajas3`. Parameters ---------- T : int Number of observations of the returns series. Returns ------- value : 1d-array An OWA weights vector of size Tx1. """ w_ = [] for i in range(1, T + 1): w_.append(2 * i - 1 - T) w_ = 2 * np.array(w_) / (T * (T - 1)) w_ = w_.reshape(-1, 1) return w_
[文档] def owa_cvar(T, alpha=0.05): r""" Calculate the OWA weights to calculate the Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) of a returns series as shown in :cite:`d-Cajas3`. Parameters ---------- T : int Number of observations of the returns series. alpha : float, optional Significance level of CVaR. The default is 0.05. Returns ------- value : 1d-array An OWA weights vector of size Tx1. """ k = int(np.ceil(T * alpha)) - 1 w_ = np.zeros((T, 1)) w_[:k, :] = -1 / (T * alpha) w_[k, :] = -1 - np.sum(w_[:k, :]) return w_
[文档] def owa_wcvar(T, alphas, weights): r""" Calculate the OWA weights to calculate the Weighted Conditional Value at Risk (WCVaR) of a returns series as shown in :cite:`d-Cajas3`. Parameters ---------- T : int Number of observations of the returns series. alphas : list List of significance levels of each CVaR model. weights : list List of weights of each CVaR model. Returns ------- value : 1d-array An OWA weights vector of size Tx1. """ w_ = 0 for i, j in zip(alphas, weights): w_ += owa_cvar(T, i) * j return w_
[文档] def owa_tg(T, alpha=0.05, a_sim=100): r""" Calculate the OWA weights to calculate the Tail Gini of a returns series as shown in :cite:`d-Cajas3`. Parameters ---------- T : int Number of observations of the returns series. alpha : float, optional Significance level of TaiL Gini. The default is 0.05. a_sim : float, optional Number of CVaRs used to approximate the Tail Gini. The default is 100. Returns ------- value : 1d-array A OWA weights vector of size Tx1. """ alphas = np.linspace(alpha, 0.0001, a_sim)[::-1] w_ = [(alphas[1] - 0) * alphas[0] / alphas[-1] ** 2] for i in range(1, len(alphas) - 1): w_.append((alphas[i + 1] - alphas[i - 1]) * alphas[i] / alphas[-1] ** 2) w_.append((alphas[-1] - alphas[-2]) / alphas[-1]) w_ = owa_wcvar(T, alphas, w_) return w_
[文档] def owa_wr(T): r""" Calculate the OWA weights to calculate the Worst realization (minimum) of a returns series as shown in :cite:`d-Cajas3`. Parameters ---------- T : int Number of observations of the returns series. Returns ------- value : 1d-array A OWA weights vector of size Tx1. """ w_ = np.zeros((T, 1)) w_[0, :] = -1 return w_
[文档] def owa_rg(T): r""" Calculate the OWA weights to calculate the range of a returns series as shown in :cite:`d-Cajas3`. Parameters ---------- T : int Number of observations of the returns series. Returns ------- value : 1d-array A OWA weights vector of size Tx1. """ w_ = np.zeros((T, 1)) w_[0, :] = -1 w_[-1, :] = 1 return w_
[文档] def owa_cvrg(T, alpha=0.05, beta=None): r""" Calculate the OWA weights to calculate the CVaR range of a returns series as shown in :cite:`d-Cajas3`. Parameters ---------- T : int Number of observations of the returns series. alpha : float, optional Significance level of CVaR of losses. The default is 0.05. beta : float, optional Significance level of CVaR of gains. If None it duplicates alpha. The default is None. Returns ------- value : 1d-array A OWA weights vector of size Tx1. """ if beta is None: beta = alpha w_ = owa_cvar(T, alpha) - owa_cvar(T, beta)[::-1] return w_
[文档] def owa_wcvrg(T, alphas, weights_a, betas=None, weights_b=None): r""" Calculate the OWA weights to calculate the WCVaR range of a returns series as shown in :cite:`d-Cajas3`. Parameters ---------- T : int Number of observations of the returns series. alphas : list List of significance levels of each CVaR of losses model. weights_a : list List of weights of each CVaR of losses model. betas : list, optional List of significance levels of each CVaR of gains model. If None it duplicates alpha. The default is None. weights_b : list, optional List of weights of each CVaR of gains model. If None it duplicates weights_a. The default is None. Returns ------- value : 1d-array A OWA weights vector of size Tx1. """ if betas is None or weights_b is None: betas = alphas weights_b = weights_a w_ = owa_wcvar(T, alphas, weights_a) - owa_wcvar(T, betas, weights_b)[::-1] return w_
[文档] def owa_tgrg(T, alpha=0.05, a_sim=100, beta=None, b_sim=None): r""" Calculate the OWA weights to calculate the Tail Gini range of a returns series as shown in :cite:`d-Cajas3`. Parameters ---------- T : int Number of observations of the returns series. alpha : float, optional Significance level of Tail Gini of losses. The default is 0.05. a_sim : float, optional Number of CVaRs used to approximate Tail Gini of losses. The default is 100. beta : float, optional Significance level of Tail Gini of gains. If None it duplicates alpha value. The default is None. b_sim : float, optional Number of CVaRs used to approximate Tail Gini of gains. If None it duplicates a_sim value. The default is None. Returns ------- value : 1d-array A OWA weights vector of size Tx1. """ if beta is None: beta = alpha if b_sim is None: b_sim = a_sim w_ = owa_tg(T, alpha, a_sim) - owa_tg(T, beta, b_sim)[::-1] return w_
[文档] def owa_l_moment_crm(T, k=4, method="MSD", g=0.5, max_phi=0.5, solver=None): r""" Calculate the OWA weights to calculate a convex risk measure that considers higher linear moments or L-moments as shown in :cite:`d-Cajas6`. Parameters ---------- T : int Number of observations of the returns series. k : int Order of the l-moment. Must be an integer higher or equal than 2. method : str, optional Method to calculate the weights used to combine the l-moments with order higher than 2. The default value is 'MSD'. Possible values are: - 'CRRA': Normalized Constant Relative Risk Aversion coefficients. - 'ME': Maximum Entropy. - 'MSS': Minimum Sum Squares. - 'MSD': Minimum Square Distance. g : float, optional Risk aversion coefficient of CRRA utility function. The default is 0.5. max_phi : float, optional Maximum weight constraint of L-moments. The default is 0.5. solver: str, optional Solver available for CVXPY. Used to calculate 'ME', 'MSS' and 'MSD' weights. The default value is None. Returns ------- value : 1d-array A OWA weights vector of size Tx1. """ if k < 2 or (not isinstance(k, int)): raise ValueError("k must be an integer higher equal than 2") if method not in ["CRRA", "ME", "MSS", "MSD"]: raise ValueError("Available methods are 'CRRA', 'ME', 'MSS' and 'MSD'") if g >= 1 or g <= 0: raise ValueError("The risk aversion coefficient mus be between 0 and 1") if max_phi >= 1 or max_phi <= 0: raise ValueError( "The constraint on maximum weight of L-moments must be between 0 and 1" ) ws = np.empty((T, 0)) for i in range(2, k + 1): w_i = (-1) ** i * owa_l_moment(T, i) ws = np.concatenate([ws, w_i], axis=1) if method == "CRRA": phis = [] e = 1 for i in range(1, k): e *= g + i - 1 phis.append(e / math.factorial(i + 1)) phis = np.array(phis) phis = phis / np.sum(phis) phis = phis.reshape(-1, 1) a = ws @ phis w = np.zeros_like(a) w[0] = a[0] for i in range(1, len(a)): w[i, 0] = np.max(a[: i + 1, 0]) else: theta = cp.Variable((T, 1)) n = ws.shape[1] phi = cp.Variable((n, 1)) constraints = [ cp.sum(phi) == 1, theta == ws @ phi, phi <= max_phi, phi >= 0, phi[1:] <= phi[:-1], theta[1:] >= theta[:-1], ] if method == "ME": theta_ = cp.Variable((T, 1)) obj = cp.sum(cp.entr(theta_)) * 1000 constraints += [ theta_ >= theta, theta_ >= -theta, ] objective = cp.Maximize(obj) elif method == "MSS": obj = cp.pnorm(theta, p=2) * 1000 objective = cp.Minimize(obj) elif method == "MSD": obj = cp.pnorm(theta[1:] - theta[:-1], p=2) * 1000 objective = cp.Minimize(obj) problem = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) if solver is not None: problem.solve(solver=solver) else: problem.solve() phis = phi.value phis = phis / np.sum(phis) phis = phis.reshape(-1, 1) w = ws @ phis return w