GerberStatistic 源代码

""""""  #
This code is mainly based on Yinsen Miao's work available in:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import riskfolio.src.AuxFunctions as af

__all__ = [

[文档] def gerber_cov_stat0(X, threshold=0.5): r""" Compute Gerber covariance Statistics 0 or original Gerber statistics :cite: `d-Gerber2021`, not always PSD, however this function fixes the covariance matrix finding the nearest covariance matrix that is positive semidefinite. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Returns series of shape n_sample x n_features. threshold : float threshold: threshold is between 0 and 1 Returns ------- value : bool Gerber covariance matrix of shape (n_features, n_features), where n_features is the number of features. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ # Threshold shall between 0 and 1 assert 1 > threshold > 0 flag = False if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): cols = X.columns.tolist() X1 = X.to_numpy() flag = True else: X1 = X.copy() n, p = X1.shape sd_vec = X1.std(axis=0).reshape((p, 1)) cov = np.zeros((p, p)) # Store correlation matrix corr = np.zeros((p, p)) # Store correlation matrix for i in range(p): for j in range(i + 1): neg = 0 pos = 0 for k in range(n): if ( (X1[k, i] >= threshold * sd_vec[i]) and (X1[k, j] >= threshold * sd_vec[j]) ) or ( (X1[k, i] <= -threshold * sd_vec[i]) and (X1[k, j] <= -threshold * sd_vec[j]) ): pos += 1 elif ( (X1[k, i] >= threshold * sd_vec[i]) and (X1[k, j] <= -threshold * sd_vec[j]) ) or ( (X1[k, i] <= -threshold * sd_vec[i]) and (X1[k, j] >= threshold * sd_vec[j]) ): neg += 1 # Compute Gerber correlation matrix corr[i, j] = (pos - neg) / (pos + neg) corr[j, i] = corr[i, j] cov = corr * np.outer(sd_vec, sd_vec) if af.is_pos_def(cov) == False: cov = af.cov_fix(cov, method="clipped") if flag: cov = pd.DataFrame(cov, index=cols, columns=cols) return cov
[文档] def gerber_cov_stat1(X, threshold=0.5): r""" Compute Gerber covariance Statistics 1 :cite: `d-Gerber2021`. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Returns series of shape n_sample x n_features. threshold : float threshold: threshold is between 0 and 1 Returns ------- value : bool Gerber covariance matrix of shape (n_features, n_features), where n_features is the number of features. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ # Threshold shall between 0 and 1 assert 1 > threshold > 0 flag = False if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): cols = X.columns.tolist() X1 = X.to_numpy() flag = True else: X1 = X.copy() n, p = X1.shape sd_vec = X1.std(axis=0).reshape((p, 1)) corr = np.zeros((p, p)) # Store correlation matrix for i in range(p): for j in range(i + 1): neg = 0 pos = 0 nn = 0 for k in range(n): if ( (X1[k, i] >= threshold * sd_vec[i]) and (X1[k, j] >= threshold * sd_vec[j]) ) or ( (X1[k, i] <= -threshold * sd_vec[i]) and (X1[k, j] <= -threshold * sd_vec[j]) ): pos += 1 elif ( (X1[k, i] >= threshold * sd_vec[i]) and (X1[k, j] <= -threshold * sd_vec[j]) ) or ( (X1[k, i] <= -threshold * sd_vec[i]) and (X1[k, j] >= threshold * sd_vec[j]) ): neg += 1 elif ( abs(X1[k, i]) < threshold * sd_vec[i] and abs(X1[k, j]) < threshold * sd_vec[j] ): nn += 1 # Compute Gerber correlation matrix corr[i, j] = (pos - neg) / (n - nn) corr[j, i] = corr[i, j] cov = corr * np.outer(sd_vec, sd_vec) if flag: cov = pd.DataFrame(cov, index=cols, columns=cols) return cov
[文档] def gerber_cov_stat2(X, threshold=0.5): r""" Compute Gerber covariance Statistics 2 :cite: `d-Gerber2021`. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Returns series of shape n_sample x n_features. threshold : float threshold: threshold is between 0 and 1 Returns ------- value : bool Gerber covariance mtrix of shape (n_features, n_features), where n_features is the number of features. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ # Threshold shall between 0 and 1 assert 1 > threshold > 0 flag = False if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): cols = X.columns.tolist() X1 = X.to_numpy() flag = True else: X1 = X.copy() n, p = X1.shape sd_vec = X1.std(axis=0).reshape((p, 1)) U = np.copy(X1) D = np.copy(X1) # Update U and D matrix for i in range(p): U[:, i] = U[:, i] >= sd_vec[i] * threshold D[:, i] = D[:, i] <= -sd_vec[i] * threshold # Update concordant matrix N_CONC = U.transpose() @ U + D.transpose() @ D # Update discordant matrix N_DISC = U.transpose() @ D + D.transpose() @ U H = N_CONC - N_DISC h = np.sqrt(H.diagonal()) h = h.reshape((p, 1)) corr = H / (h @ h.transpose()) cov = corr * np.outer(sd_vec, sd_vec) if flag: cov = pd.DataFrame(cov, index=cols, columns=cols) return cov