"""""" #
Copyright (c) 2020-2023, Dany Cajas
All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License.
License available at https://github.com/dcajasn/Riskfolio-Lib/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
This work is based on the code of Tomaso Aste available at
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import from_mlab_linkage, optimal_leaf_ordering
__all__ = [
def DBHTs(D, S, leaf_order=True):
Perform Direct Bubble Hierarchical Tree (DBHT) clustering, a deterministic
technique which only requires a similarity matrix S, and related
dissimilarity matrix D. For more information see "Hierarchical information
clustering by means of topologically embedded graphs." :cite:`d-Song`.
This version makes extensive use of graph-theoretic filtering technique
called Triangulated Maximally Filtered Graph (TMFG).
D : nd-array
N x N dissimilarity matrix - e.g. a distance: D=pdist(data,'euclidean')
and then D=squareform(D).
S : nd-array
N x N similarity matrix (non-negative)- e.g. correlation
coefficient+1: S = 2-D**2/2 or another possible choice can be S =
T8 : DataFrame
N x 1 cluster membership vector.
Rpm : nd-array
N x N adjacency matrix of Plannar Maximally Filtered
Graph (PMFG).
Adjv : nd-array
Bubble cluster membership matrix from BubbleCluster8.
Dpm : nd-array
N x N shortest path length matrix of PMFG
Mv : nd-array
N x Nb bubble membership matrix. Nb(n,bi)=1 indicates vertex n
is a vertex of bubble bi.
Z : nd-array
Linkage matrix using DBHT hierarchy.
(Rpm, _, _, _, _) = PMFG_T2s(S)
Apm = Rpm.copy()
Apm[Apm != 0] = D[Apm != 0].copy()
(Dpm, _) = distance_wei(Apm)
(H1, Hb, Mb, CliqList, Sb) = CliqHierarchyTree2s(Rpm, method1="uniqueroot")
del H1, Sb
Mb = Mb[0 : CliqList.shape[0], :]
Mv = np.empty((Rpm.shape[0], 0))
for i in range(0, Mb.shape[1]):
vec = np.zeros(Rpm.shape[0])
vec[np.int32(np.unique(CliqList[Mb[:, i] != 0, :]))] = 1
Mv = np.hstack((Mv, vec.reshape(-1, 1)))
(Adjv, T8) = BubbleCluster8s(Rpm, Dpm, Hb, Mb, Mv, CliqList)
Z = HierarchyConstruct4s(Rpm, Dpm, T8, Adjv, Mv)
if leaf_order == True:
Z = optimal_leaf_ordering(Z, squareform(D))
return (T8, Rpm, Adjv, Dpm, Mv, Z)
def j_LoGo(S, separators, cliques):
computes sparse inverse covariance, J, from a clique tree made of cliques
and separators. For more information see: :cite:`d-jLogo`.
S : ndarray
It is the complete covariance matrix.
separators : nd-array
It is the list of separators.
clique : nd-array
It is the list of cliques.
JLogo : nd-array
Inverse covariance.
separators and cliques can be the outputs of TMFG function
N = S.shape[0]
if isinstance(separators, dict) == False:
separators_temp = {}
for i in range(len(separators)):
separators_temp[i] = separators[i, :]
if isinstance(cliques, dict) == False:
cliques_temp = {}
for i in range(len(cliques)):
cliques_temp[i] = cliques[i, :]
Jlogo = np.zeros((N, N))
for i in cliques_temp.keys():
v = np.int32(cliques_temp[i])
Jlogo[np.ix_(v, v)] = Jlogo[np.ix_(v, v)] + np.linalg.inv(S[np.ix_(v, v)])
for i in separators_temp.keys():
v = np.int32(separators_temp[i])
Jlogo[np.ix_(v, v)] = Jlogo[np.ix_(v, v)] - np.linalg.inv(S[np.ix_(v, v)])
return Jlogo
def PMFG_T2s(W, nargout=3):
Computes a Triangulated Maximally Filtered Graph (TMFG) :cite:`d-Massara`
starting from a tetrahedron and inserting recursively vertices inside
existing triangles (T2 move) in order to approximate a maximal planar
graph with the largest total weight - non negative weights.
W : nd-array
An N x N matrix of non-negative weights.
nargout : int, optional
Number of results, Possible values are 3, 4 and 5.
A : nd-array
Adjacency matrix of the PMFG (with weights)
tri : nd-array
Matrix of triangles (triangular faces) of size 2N - 4 x 3
separators : nd-array
Matrix of 3-cliques that are not triangular faces (all 3-cliques are
given by: [tri;separators]).
clique4 : nd-array, optional
List of all 4-cliques.
cliqueTree : nd-array, optional
4-cliques tree structure (adjacency matrix).
N = W.shape[0]
if N < 9:
print("W Matrix too small \n")
if np.any(W < 0):
print("W Matrix has negative elements! \n")
A = np.zeros((N, N)) # ininzialize adjacency matrix
in_v = -1 * np.ones(N, dtype=np.int32) # ininzialize list of inserted vertices
tri = np.zeros((2 * N - 4, 3)) # ininzialize list of triangles
separators = np.zeros(
(N - 4, 3)
) # ininzialize list of 3-cliques (non face-triangles)
# find 3 vertices with largest strength
s = np.sum(W * (W > np.mean(W)), axis=1)
j = np.int32(np.argsort(s)[::-1].reshape(-1))
in_v[0:4] = j[0:4]
ou_v = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(0, N), in_v) # list of vertices not inserted yet
# build the tetrahedron with largest strength
tri[0, :] = in_v[[0, 1, 2]]
tri[1, :] = in_v[[1, 2, 3]]
tri[2, :] = in_v[[0, 1, 3]]
tri[3, :] = in_v[[0, 2, 3]]
A[in_v[0], in_v[1]] = 1
A[in_v[0], in_v[2]] = 1
A[in_v[0], in_v[3]] = 1
A[in_v[1], in_v[2]] = 1
A[in_v[1], in_v[3]] = 1
A[in_v[2], in_v[3]] = 1
# build initial gain table
gain = np.zeros((N, 2 * N - 4))
gain[ou_v, 0] = np.sum(W[np.ix_(ou_v, np.int32(tri[0, :]))], axis=1)
gain[ou_v, 1] = np.sum(W[np.ix_(ou_v, np.int32(tri[1, :]))], axis=1)
gain[ou_v, 2] = np.sum(W[np.ix_(ou_v, np.int32(tri[2, :]))], axis=1)
gain[ou_v, 3] = np.sum(W[np.ix_(ou_v, np.int32(tri[3, :]))], axis=1)
kk = 3 # number of triangles
for k in range(4, N):
# find best vertex to add in a triangle
if len(ou_v) == 1: # special case for the last vertex
ve = ou_v[0]
v = 0
tr = np.argmax(gain[ou_v, :])
gij = np.max(gain[ou_v, :], axis=0)
v = np.argmax(gain[ou_v, :], axis=0)
tr = np.argmax(np.round(gij, 6).flatten())
ve = ou_v[v[tr]]
v = v[tr]
# update vertex lists
ou_v = ou_v[np.delete(np.arange(len(ou_v)), v)]
in_v[k] = ve
# update adjacency matrix
A[np.ix_([ve], np.int32(tri[tr, :]))] = 1
# update 3-clique list
separators[k - 4, :] = tri[tr, :]
# update triangle list replacing 1 and adding 2 triangles
tri[kk + 1, :] = np.hstack((tri[tr, [0, 2]], ve)) # add
tri[kk + 2, :] = np.hstack((tri[tr, [1, 2]], ve)) # add
tri[tr, :] = np.hstack((tri[tr, [0, 1]], ve)) # replace
# update gain table
gain[ve, :] = 0
gain[ou_v, tr] = np.sum(W[np.ix_(ou_v, np.int32(tri[tr, :]))], axis=1)
gain[ou_v, kk + 1] = np.sum(W[np.ix_(ou_v, np.int32(tri[kk + 1, :]))], axis=1)
gain[ou_v, kk + 2] = np.sum(W[np.ix_(ou_v, np.int32(tri[kk + 2, :]))], axis=1)
# update number of triangles
kk = kk + 2
if np.mod(k, 1000) == 0:
print("PMFG T2: %0.2f per-cent done\n", k / N * 100)
A = W * ((A + A.T) == 1)
if nargout > 3:
cliques = np.vstack(
(in_v[0:4].reshape(1, -1), np.hstack((separators, in_v[4:].reshape(-1, 1))))
cliques = None
# computes 4-clique tree (note this may include incomplete cliques!)
if nargout > 4:
cliqueTree = np.zeros((cliques.shape[0], cliques.shape[0]))
for i in range(0, cliques.shape[0]):
ss = np.zeros(cliques.shape[0], 1)
for k in range(0, 3):
ss = ss + np.sum((cliques[i, k] == cliques), axis=1)
cliqueTree[i, ss == 2] = 1
cliqueTree = None
return (A, tri, separators, cliques, cliqueTree)
def distance_wei(L):
The distance matrix contains lengths of shortest paths between all
pairs of nodes. An entry (u,v) represents the length of shortest path
from node u to node v. The average shortest path length is the
characteristic path length of the network.
L : nd-array
Directed/undirected connection-length matrix.
D : nd-array
Distance (shortest weighted path) matrix
B : nd-array
Number of edges in shortest weighted path matrix
The input matrix must be a connection-length matrix, typically
obtained via a mapping from weight to length. For instance, in a
weighted correlation network higher correlations are more naturally
interpreted as shorter distances and the input matrix should
consequently be some inverse of the connectivity matrix.
The number of edges in shortest weighted paths may in general
exceed the number of edges in shortest binary paths (i.e. shortest
paths computed on the binarized connectivity matrix), because shortest
weighted paths have the minimal weighted distance, but not necessarily
the minimal number of edges.
Lengths between disconnected nodes are set to Inf.
Lengths on the main diagonal are set to 0.
Algorithm\: Dijkstra's algorithm.
Mika Rubinov, UNSW/U Cambridge, 2007-2012.
Rick Betzel and Andrea Avena, IU, 2012
Modification history \:
2007: original (MR)
2009-08-04: min() function vectorized (MR)
2012: added number of edges in shortest path as additional output (RB/AA)
2013: variable names changed for consistency with other functions (MR)
n = len(L)
D = np.ones((n, n)) * np.inf
np.fill_diagonal(D, 0) # distance matrix
B = np.zeros((n, n)) # number of edges matrix
for u in range(0, n):
S = np.full(n, True, dtype=bool) # distance permanence (true is temporary)
L1 = L.copy()
V = np.array([u])
while 1:
S[V] = False # distance u->V is now permanent
L1[:, V] = 0 # no in-edges as already shortest
for v in V.tolist():
# T = np.ravel(np.argwhere(L1[v, :])) # neighbours of shortest nodes
(_, T, _) = sp.find(L1[v, :]) # neighbours of shortest nodes
d = np.min(
(D[np.ix_([u], T)], D[np.ix_([u], [v])] + L1[np.ix_([v], T)])
wi = np.argmin(
(D[np.ix_([u], T)], D[np.ix_([u], [v])] + L1[np.ix_([v], T)])
D[np.ix_([u], T)] = d # smallest of old/new path lengths
ind = T[wi == 2] # indices of lengthened paths
B[u, ind] = B[u, v] + 1 # increment no. of edges in lengthened paths
if D[u, S].size == 0:
minD = np.empty((0, 0))
minD = np.min(D[u, S])
minD = np.array([minD])
if minD.shape[0] == 0 or np.isinf(minD):
# isempty: all nodes reached; isinf: some nodes cannot be reached
V = np.ravel(np.argwhere(D[u, :] == minD))
return (D, B)
def CliqHierarchyTree2s(Apm, method1):
ClqHierarchyTree2 looks for 3-cliques of a maximal planar graph, then
construct hierarchy of the cliques with the definition of 'inside' a
clique to be a subgraph with smaller size, when the entire graph is
made disjoint by removing the clique :cite:`d-Song2`.
Apm : N
N x N Adjacency matrix of a maximal planar graph.
method1 : str
Choose between 'uniqueroot' and 'equalroot'. Assigns connections
between final root cliques. Uses Voronoi tesselation between tiling
H1 : nd-array
Nc x Nc adjacency matrix for 3-clique hierarchical tree where Nc is
the number of 3-cliques.
H2 : nd-array
Nb x Nb adjacency matrix for bubble hierarchical tree where Nb is the
number of bubbles.
Mb : nd-array
Nc x Nb matrix bubble membership matrix. Mb(n,bi)=1 indicates that
3-clique n belongs to bi bubble.
CliqList : nd-array
Nc x 3 matrix. Each row vector lists three vertices consisting a
3-clique in the maximal planar graph.
Sb : nd-array
Nc x 1 vector. Sb(n)=1 indicates nth 3-clique is separating.
N = Apm.shape[0]
# IndxTotal=1:N;
if sp.issparse(Apm) != 1:
A = 1.0 * sp.csr_matrix(Apm != 0).toarray()
A = 1.0 * (Apm != 0)
(K3, E, clique) = clique3(A)
del K3, E # , N3
Nc = clique.shape[0]
M = np.zeros((N, Nc))
CliqList = clique.copy()
Sb = np.zeros(Nc)
del clique
for n in range(0, Nc):
cliq_vec = CliqList[n, :]
(T, IndxNot) = FindDisjoint(A, cliq_vec)
indx0 = np.argwhere(np.ravel(T) == 0)
indx1 = np.argwhere(np.ravel(T) == 1)
indx2 = np.argwhere(np.ravel(T) == 2)
if len(indx1) > len(indx2):
indx_s = np.vstack((indx2, indx0))
del indx1, indx2
indx_s = np.vstack((indx1, indx0))
del indx1, indx2
if (indx_s.shape[0] == 0) == 1:
Sb[n] = 0
Sb[n] = len(indx_s) - 3 # -3
M[indx_s, n] = 1
# del Indicator, InsideCliq, count, T, Temp, cliq_vec, IndxNot, InsideCliq
del T, cliq_vec, IndxNot
Pred = BuildHierarchy(M)
Root = np.argwhere(Pred == -1)
# for n=1:length(Root);
# Components{n}=find(M(:,Root(n))==1);
# end
del n
if method1.lower() == "uniqueroot":
if len(Root) > 1:
Pred = np.append(Pred[:], -1)
Pred[Root] = len(Pred) - 1
H = np.zeros((Nc + 1, Nc + 1))
for n in range(0, len(Pred)):
if Pred[n] != -1:
H[n, np.int32(Pred[n])] = 1
H = H + H.T
elif method1.lower() == "equalroot":
if len(Root) > 1:
# %RootCliq=CliqList(Root,:);
Adj = AdjCliq(A, CliqList, Root)
H = np.zeros((Nc, Nc))
for n in range(0, len(Pred)):
if Pred[n] != -1:
H[n, np.int32(Pred[n])] = 1
if (Pred.shape[0] == 0) != 1:
H = H + H.T
H = H + Adj
H = np.empty((0, 0))
H1 = H.copy()
if (H1.shape[0] == 0) != 1:
(H2, Mb) = BubbleHierarchy(Pred, Sb, A, CliqList)
H2 = np.empty((0, 0))
Mb = np.empty((0, 0))
H2 = 1.0 * (H2 != 0)
Mb = Mb[0 : CliqList.shape[0], :]
return (H1, H2, Mb, CliqList, Sb)
def BuildHierarchy(M):
Pred = -1 * np.ones(M.shape[1])
for n in range(0, M.shape[1]):
# Children = np.argwhere(np.ravel(M[:, n]) == 1)
(_, Children, _) = sp.find(M[:, n] == 1)
ChildrenSum = np.sum(M[Children, :], axis=0)
Parents = np.argwhere(np.ravel(ChildrenSum) == len(Children))
Parents = Parents[Parents != n]
if (Parents.shape[0] == 0) != 1:
ParentSum = np.sum(M[:, Parents], axis=0)
a = np.argwhere(ParentSum == np.min(ParentSum))
if len(a) == 1:
Pred[n] = Parents[a]
Pred = np.empty(0)
Pred[n] = -1
return Pred
def FindDisjoint(Adj, Cliq):
N = Adj.shape[0]
Temp = Adj.copy()
T = np.zeros(N)
IndxTotal = np.arange(0, N)
IndxNot = np.argwhere(
np.logical_and(IndxTotal != Cliq[0], IndxTotal != Cliq[1], IndxTotal != Cliq[2])
Temp[np.int32(Cliq), :] = 0
Temp[:, np.int32(Cliq)] = 0
# %d = bfs(Temp,IndxNot(1));
(d, _) = breadth(Temp, IndxNot[0])
d[np.isinf(d)] = -1
d[IndxNot[0]] = 0
Indx1 = d == -1
Indx2 = d != -1
T[Indx1] = 1
T[Indx2] = 2
T[np.int32(Cliq)] = 0
del Temp
return (T, IndxNot)
def AdjCliq(A, CliqList, CliqRoot):
Nc = CliqList.shape[0]
CliqList_temp = np.int32(CliqList.copy())
CliqRoot_temp = np.int32(np.ravel(CliqRoot))
N = A.shape[0]
Adj = np.zeros((Nc, Nc))
Indicator = np.zeros((N, 1))
for n in range(0, len(CliqRoot_temp)):
Indicator[CliqList_temp[CliqRoot_temp[n], :]] = 1
Indi = np.hstack(
Indicator[CliqList_temp[CliqRoot_temp, 0], 0],
Indicator[CliqList_temp[CliqRoot_temp, 1], 0],
Indicator[CliqList_temp[CliqRoot_temp, 2], 0],
adjacent = CliqRoot_temp[np.sum(Indi.T, axis=0) == 1]
Adj[adjacent, n] = 0
Adj = Adj + Adj.T
return Adj
def BubbleHierarchy(Pred, Sb, A, CliqList):
Nc = Pred.shape[0]
Root = np.argwhere(Pred == -1)
CliqCount = np.zeros(Nc)
CliqCount[Root] = 1
Mb = np.empty((Nc, 0))
if len(Root) > 1:
TempVec = np.zeros((Nc, 1))
TempVec[Root] = 1
Mb = np.hstack((Mb, TempVec))
del TempVec
while np.sum(CliqCount) < Nc:
NxtRoot = np.empty((0, 1))
for n in range(0, len(Root)):
# DirectChild = np.ravel(np.argwhere(Pred == Root[n]))
(_, DirectChild, _) = sp.find(Pred == Root[n])
TempVec = np.zeros((Nc, 1))
TempVec[np.append(DirectChild, np.int32(Root[n])), 0] = 1
Mb = np.hstack((Mb, TempVec))
CliqCount[DirectChild] = 1
for m in range(0, len(DirectChild)):
if Sb[DirectChild[m]] != 0:
NxtRoot = np.vstack((NxtRoot, DirectChild[m]))
del DirectChild, TempVec
Root = np.unique(NxtRoot)
Nb = Mb.shape[1]
H = np.zeros((Nb, Nb))
# if sum(IdentifyJoint==0)==0;
for n in range(0, Nb):
Indx = Mb[:, n] == 1
JointSum = np.sum(Mb[Indx, :], axis=0)
Neigh = JointSum >= 1
H[n, Neigh] = 1
# else
# H=[];
H = H + H.T
H = H - np.diag(np.diag(H))
return (H, Mb)
def clique3(A):
Computes the list of 3-cliques.
A : nd-array
N x N sparse adjacency matrix.
clique : nd-array
Nc x 3 matrix. Each row vector contains the list of vertices for
a 3-clique.
A = A - np.diag(np.diag(A))
A = 1.0 * (A != 0)
A2 = A @ A
P = (1.0 * (A2 != 0)) * (1.0 * (A != 0))
P = sp.csr_matrix(np.triu(P))
(r, c, _) = sp.find(P != 0)
E = np.hstack((r.reshape(-1, 1), c.reshape(-1, 1)))
K3 = {}
N3 = np.zeros(len(r))
for n in range(0, len(r)):
i = r[n]
j = c[n]
a = A[i, :] * A[j, :]
# indx = np.ravel(np.argwhere(a != 0))
(_, indx, _) = sp.find(a != 0)
K3[n] = indx
N3[n] = len(indx)
clique = np.zeros((1, 3))
for n in range(0, len(r)):
temp = K3[n]
for m in range(0, len(temp)):
candidate = E[n, :]
candidate = np.hstack((candidate, temp[m]))
candidate = np.sort(candidate)
a = 1 * (clique[:, 0] == candidate[0])
b = 1 * (clique[:, 1] == candidate[1])
c = 1 * (clique[:, 2] == candidate[2])
check = (a * b) * c
check = np.sum(check)
if check == 0:
clique = np.vstack((clique, candidate.reshape(1, -1)))
del candidate, check, a, b, c
isort = np.lexsort((clique[:, 2], clique[:, 1], clique[:, 0]))
clique = clique[isort]
clique = clique[1 : clique.shape[0], :]
return (K3, E, clique)
def breadth(CIJ, source):
Implementation of breadth-first search.
CIJ : nd-array
Binary (directed/undirected) connection matrix
source : nd-array
Source vertex
distance : nd-array
Distance between 'source' and i'th vertex (0 for source vertex).
branch : nd-array
Vertex that precedes i in the breadth-first search tree (-1 for source
Breadth-first search tree does not contain all paths (or all shortest
paths), but allows the determination of at least one path with minimum
distance. The entire graph is explored, starting from source vertex
Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2002/2007/2008
N = CIJ.shape[0]
# colors: white, gray, black
white = 0
gray = 1
black = 2
# initialize colors
color = np.zeros(N)
# initialize distances
distance = np.inf * np.ones(N)
# initialize branches
branch = np.zeros(N)
# start on vertex 'source'
color[source] = gray
distance[source] = 0
branch[source] = -1
Q = np.array(source).reshape(-1)
# keep going until the entire graph is explored
while (Q.shape[0] == 0) == 0:
u = Q[0]
# ns = np.argwhere(CIJ[u, :])
(_, ns, _) = sp.find(CIJ[u, :])
for v in ns:
# this allows the 'source' distance to itself to be recorded
if distance[v].all() == 0:
distance[v] = distance[u] + 1
if color[v].all() == white:
color[v] = gray
distance[v] = distance[u] + 1
branch[v] = u
Q = np.hstack((Q, v))
Q = Q[1 : len(Q)]
color[u] = black
return (distance, branch)
def BubbleCluster8s(Rpm, Dpm, Hb, Mb, Mv, CliqList):
Obtains non-discrete and discrete clusterings from the bubble topology of
Rpm : nd-array
N x N sparse weighted adjacency matrix of PMFG.
Dpm : nd-array
N x N shortest path lengths matrix of PMFG
Hb : nd-array
Undirected bubble tree of PMFG
Mb : nd-array
Nc x Nb bubble membership matrix for 3-cliques. Mb(n,bi)=1 indicates
that 3-clique n belongs to bi bubble.
Mv : nd-array
N x Nb bubble membership matrix for vertices.
CliqList : nd-array
Nc x 3 matrix of list of 3-cliques. Each row vector contains the list
of vertices for a particular 3-clique.
Adjv : nd-array
N x Nk cluster membership matrix for vertices for non-discrete
clustering via the bubble topology. Adjv(n,k)=1 indicates cluster
membership of vertex n to kth non-discrete cluster.
Tc : nd-array
N x 1 cluster membership vector. Tc(n)=k indicates cluster membership
of vertex n to kth discrete cluster.
(Hc, Sep) = DirectHb(
Rpm, Hb, Mb, Mv, CliqList
) # Assign directions on the bubble tree
N = Rpm.shape[0] # Number of vertices in the PMFG
# indx = np.ravel(np.argwhere(Sep == 1)) # Look for the converging bubbles
(_, indx, _) = sp.find(Sep == 1) # Look for the converging bubbles
Adjv = np.empty((0, 0))
if len(indx) > 1:
Adjv = np.zeros(
(Mv.shape[0], len(indx))
) # Set the non-discrete cluster membership matrix 'Adjv' at default
# Identify the non-discrete cluster membership of vertices by each
# converging bubble
for n in range(0, len(indx)):
# %[d dt p]=bfs(Hc.T, indx[n]);
(d, _) = breadth(Hc.T, indx[n])
d[np.isinf(d)] = -1
d[indx[n]] = 0
(r, c, _) = sp.find(Mv[:, d != -1] != 0)
Adjv[np.unique(r), n] = 1
del d, r, c # %, dt, p
Tc = -1 * np.ones(N) # Set the discrete cluster membership vector at default
Bubv = Mv[:, indx] # Gather the list of vertices in the converging bubbles
(_, cv, _) = sp.find(
np.sum(Bubv.T, axis=0).T == 1
) # Identify vertices which belong to single converging bubbles
(_, uv, _) = sp.find(
np.sum(Bubv.T, axis=0).T > 1
) # Identify vertices which belong to more than one converging bubbles.
Mdjv = np.zeros(
(N, len(indx))
) # Set the cluster membership matrix for vertices in the converging bubbles at default
Mdjv[cv, :] = Bubv[
cv, :
].copy() # Assign vertices which belong to single converging bubbles to the rightful clusters.
# Assign converging bubble membership of vertices in `uv'
for v in range(0, len(uv)):
v_cont = np.sum(Rpm[:, uv[v]].reshape(-1, 1) * Bubv, axis=0).reshape(
-1, 1
) # sum of edge weights linked to uv(v) in each converging bubble
all_cont = 3 * (
np.sum(Bubv, axis=0) - 2
) # number of edges in converging bubble
all_cont = all_cont.reshape(-1, 1)
imx = np.argmax(v_cont / all_cont)
Mdjv[uv[v], imx] = 1 # Pick the most strongly associated converging bubble
(v, ci, _) = sp.find(1 * (Mdjv != 0))
Tc[v] = ci
del (
) # Assign discrete cluster membership of vertices in the converging bubbles.
Udjv = Dpm @ (Mdjv @ np.diag(1 / np.sum(1 * (Mdjv != 0), axis=0)))
Adjv == 0
] = np.inf # Compute the distance between a vertex and the converging bubbles.
# mn = np.min(Udjv[np.sum(Mdjv.T, axis=0)==0,:].T) # Look for the closest converging bubble
imn = np.argmin(Udjv[np.sum(Mdjv, axis=1) == 0, :], axis=1)
Tc == -1
] = imn # Assign discrete cluster membership according to the distances to the converging bubbles
Tc = np.ones(
) # if there is one converging bubble, all vertices belong to a single cluster
return (Adjv, Tc)
def DirectHb(Rpm, Hb, Mb, Mv, CliqList):
Computes directions on each separating 3-clique of a maximal planar
graph, hence computes Directed Bubble Hierarchical Tree (DBHT).
Rpm : nd-array
N x N sparse weighted adjacency matrix of PMFG
Hb : nd-array
Undirected bubble tree of PMFG
Mb : nd-array
Nc x Nb bubble membership matrix for 3-cliques. Mb(n,bi)=1 indicates
that 3-clique n belongs to bi bubble.
Mv : nd-array
N x Nb bubble membership matrix for vertices.
CliqList : nd-array
Nc x 3 matrix of list of 3-cliques. Each row vector contains the list
of vertices for a particular 3-clique.
Hc : nd-array
Nb x Nb unweighted directed adjacency matrix of DBHT. Hc(i,j)=1
indicates a directed edge from bubble i to bubble j.
Hb_temp = 1 * (Hb != 0)
(r, c, _) = sp.find(sp.triu(sp.csr_matrix(Hb_temp)) != 0)
CliqEdge = np.empty((0, 3))
for n in range(0, len(r)):
data = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(Mb[:, r[n]] != 0, Mb[:, c[n]] != 0))
if data.shape[0] != 0:
data = np.hstack((r[n].reshape(1, -1), c[n].reshape(1, -1), data))
CliqEdge = np.vstack((CliqEdge, data))
del r, c
kb = np.sum(1 * (Hb_temp != 0), axis=0)
Hc = np.zeros((Mv.shape[1], Mv.shape[1]))
CliqEdge = np.int32(CliqEdge)
for n in range(0, CliqEdge.shape[0]):
Temp = Hb_temp.copy()
Temp[CliqEdge[n, 0], CliqEdge[n, 1]] = 0
Temp[CliqEdge[n, 1], CliqEdge[n, 0]] = 0
(d, _) = breadth(Temp, np.array([0]))
d[np.isinf(d)] = -1
d[0] = 0
vo = np.int32(CliqList[CliqEdge[n, 2], :])
bleft = CliqEdge[n, 0:2]
bleft = bleft[d[bleft] != -1]
bright = CliqEdge[n, 0:2]
bright = bright[d[bright] == -1]
vleftc = np.argwhere(Mv[:, d != -1] != 0)
vleft = vleftc[:, 0]
c = vleftc[:, 1]
vleft = np.setdiff1d(vleft, vo)
vrightc = np.argwhere(Mv[:, d == -1] != 0)
vright = vrightc[:, 0]
c = vrightc[:, 1]
vright = np.setdiff1d(vright, vo)
del c
left = np.sum(Rpm[np.ix_(vo, vleft)])
right = np.sum(Rpm[np.ix_(vo, vright)])
if left > right:
Hc[np.ix_(bright, bleft)] = left
Hc[np.ix_(bleft, bright)] = right
del vleft, vright, vo, Temp, bleft, bright, right, left
Sep = np.double((np.sum(Hc.T, axis=0) == 0))
# Sep[(np.sum(Hc, axis=0) == 0) & (kb > 1)] = 2
Sep[np.logical_and(np.sum(Hc, axis=0) == 0, kb > 1)] = 2
return (Hc, Sep)
def HierarchyConstruct4s(Rpm, Dpm, Tc, Adjv, Mv):
Constructs intra- and inter-cluster hierarchy by utilizing Bubble
hierarchy structure of a maximal planar graph, namely Planar Maximally
Filtered Graph (PMFG).
Rpm : nd-array
N x N Weighted adjacency matrix of PMFG.
Dpm : nd-array
N x N shortest path length matrix of PMFG.
Tc : nd-array
N x 1 cluster membership vector from DBHT clustering. Tc(n)=z_i
indicate cluster of nth vertex.
Adjv : nd-array
Bubble cluster membership matrix from BubbleCluster8s.
Mv : nd-array
Bubble membership of vertices from BubbleCluster8s.
Z : nd-array
(N-1) x 4 linkage matrix, in the same format as the output from matlab
function 'linkage'.
N = Dpm.shape[0]
kvec = np.int32(np.unique(Tc))
LabelVec1 = np.arange(0, N)
# LinkageDist = np.zeros((1,1))
E = sp.csr_matrix(
(np.ones(N), (np.arange(0, N), np.int32(Tc))),
shape=(N, np.int32(np.max(Tc) + 1)),
Z = np.array(np.empty((0, 3)))
Tc = Tc + 1
kvec = kvec + 1
# Intra-cluster hierarchy construction
for n in range(0, len(kvec)):
Mc = (
E[:, kvec[n] - 1].reshape(-1, 1) * Mv
) # Get the list of bubbles which coincide with nth cluster
Mvv = BubbleMember(
Dpm, Rpm, Mv, Mc
) # Assign each vertex in the nth cluster to a specific bubble.
(_, Bub, _) = sp.find(
np.sum(Mvv, axis=0) > 0
) # Get the list of bubbles which contain the vertices of nth cluster
nc = np.sum(Tc == kvec[n], axis=0) - 1 ##########
# %Apply the linkage within the bubbles.
for m in range(0, len(Bub)):
(_, V, _) = sp.find(
Mvv[:, Bub[m]] != 0
) # Retrieve the list of vertices assigned to mth bubble.
if len(V) > 1:
dpm = Dpm[
np.ix_(V, V)
] # Retrieve the distance matrix for the vertices in V
LabelVec = LabelVec1[
] # Initiate the label vector which labels for the clusters.
LabelVec2 = LabelVec1.copy()
for v in range(0, len(V) - 1):
(PairLink, dvu) = LinkageFunction(
dpm, LabelVec
) # Look for the pair of clusters which produces the best linkage
np.logical_or(LabelVec == PairLink[0], LabelVec == PairLink[1])
] = (
np.max(LabelVec1, axis=0) + 1
) # Merge the cluster pair by updating the label vector with a same label.
LabelVec2[V] = LabelVec.copy()
Z = DendroConstruct(Z, LabelVec1, LabelVec2, 1 / nc)
nc = nc - 1
LabelVec1 = LabelVec2.copy()
del PairLink, dvu # , Vect
del LabelVec, dpm, LabelVec2
del V
(_, V, _) = sp.find(E[:, kvec[n] - 1] != 0)
dpm = Dpm[np.ix_(V, V)]
# %Perform linkage merging between the bubbles
LabelVec = LabelVec1[
] # Initiate the label vector which labels for the clusters.
LabelVec2 = LabelVec1.copy()
for b in range(0, len(Bub) - 1):
(PairLink, dvu) = LinkageFunction(dpm, LabelVec)
# %[PairLink,dvu]=LinkageFunction(rpm,LabelVec);
np.logical_or(LabelVec == PairLink[0], LabelVec == PairLink[1])
] = (
np.max(LabelVec1) + 1
) # Merge the cluster pair by updating the label vector with a same label.
LabelVec2[V] = LabelVec.copy()
Z = DendroConstruct(Z, LabelVec1, LabelVec2, 1 / nc)
nc = nc - 1
LabelVec1 = LabelVec2.copy()
del PairLink, dvu # , Vect
del LabelVec, V, dpm, LabelVec2 # , rpm,
# %Inter-cluster hierarchy construction
LabelVec2 = LabelVec1.copy()
dcl = np.ones(len(LabelVec1))
for n in range(0, len(kvec) - 1):
(PairLink, dvu) = LinkageFunction(Dpm, LabelVec1)
# %[PairLink,dvu]=LinkageFunction(Rpm,LabelVec);
LabelVec2[np.logical_or(LabelVec1 == PairLink[0], LabelVec1 == PairLink[1])] = (
np.max(LabelVec1, axis=0) + 1
) # Merge the cluster pair by updating the label vector with a same label.
dvu = np.unique(dcl[LabelVec1 == PairLink[0]]) + np.unique(
dcl[LabelVec1 == PairLink[1]]
dcl[np.logical_or(LabelVec1 == PairLink[0], LabelVec1 == PairLink[1])] = dvu
Z = DendroConstruct(Z, LabelVec1, LabelVec2, dvu)
LabelVec1 = LabelVec2.copy()
del PairLink, dvu
del LabelVec1
Z[:, 0:2] = Z[:, 0:2] + 1
Z = from_mlab_linkage(Z)
if len(np.unique(LabelVec2)) > 1:
print("Something Wrong in Merging. Check the codes.")
return None
return Z
def LinkageFunction(d, labelvec):
lvec = np.unique(labelvec)
Links = np.empty((0, 3))
for r in range(0, len(lvec) - 1):
vecr = (labelvec == lvec[r]).reshape(-1)
for c in range(r + 1, len(lvec)):
vecc = (labelvec == lvec[c]).reshape(-1)
x1 = np.ravel(np.logical_or(vecr, vecc))
dd = d[np.ix_(x1, x1)]
if dd[dd != 0].shape[0] == 0:
Link1 = np.hstack((lvec[r], lvec[c], 0))
Link1 = np.hstack((lvec[r], lvec[c], np.max(dd[dd != 0], axis=0)))
Links = np.vstack((Links, Link1))
del vecc
dvu = np.min(Links[:, 2], axis=0)
imn = np.argmin(Links[:, 2], axis=0)
PairLink = Links[imn, 0:2]
return (PairLink, dvu)
def BubbleMember(Dpm, Rpm, Mv, Mc):
Mvv = np.zeros((Mv.shape[0], Mv.shape[1]))
(_, vu, _) = sp.find(np.sum(Mc.T, axis=0) > 1)
(_, v, _) = sp.find(np.sum(Mc.T, axis=0) == 1)
Mvv[v, :] = Mc[v, :]
for n in range(0, len(vu)):
(_, bub, _) = sp.find(Mc[vu[n], :] != 0)
vu_bub = np.sum(Rpm[:, vu[n]].reshape(-1, 1) * Mv[:, bub], axis=0).T
all_bub = np.diag(Mv[:, bub].T @ Rpm @ Mv[:, bub]) / 2
frac = vu_bub / all_bub
# mx = np.max(frac, axis=0)
imx = np.argmax(frac, axis=0)
Mvv[vu[n], bub[imx]] = 1
return Mvv
def DendroConstruct(Zi, LabelVec1, LabelVec2, LinkageDist):
indx = (LabelVec1.T == LabelVec2.T) != 1
if len(np.unique(LabelVec1[indx])) != 2:
print("Check the codes")
Z = np.vstack((Zi, np.hstack((np.sort(np.unique(LabelVec1[indx])), LinkageDist))))
return Z