AuxFunctions 源代码

""""""  #
Copyright (c) 2020-2023, Dany Cajas
All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License.
License available at

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as st
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as hr
from scipy import linalg as LA
from statsmodels.stats.correlation_tools import cov_nearest
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from sklearn.metrics import mutual_info_score
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
from astropy.stats import knuth_bin_width, freedman_bin_width, scott_bin_width
from itertools import product

__all__ = [

# Additional Matrix Functions

[文档] def is_pos_def(cov, threshold=1e-8): r""" Indicate if a matrix is positive (semi)definite. Parameters ---------- cov : ndarray Covariance matrix of shape (n_features, n_features), where n_features is the number of features. Returns ------- value : bool True if matrix is positive (semi)definite. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ cov_ = np.array(cov, ndmin=2) w = LA.eigh(cov_, lower=True, check_finite=True, eigvals_only=True) value = np.all(w >= threshold) return value
[文档] def cov2corr(cov): r""" Generate a correlation matrix from a covariance matrix cov. Parameters ---------- cov : ndarray Covariance matrix of shape n_features x n_features, where n_features is the number of features. Returns ------- corr : ndarray A correlation matrix. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ flag = False if isinstance(cov, pd.DataFrame): cols = cov.columns.tolist() flag = True cov1 = np.array(cov, ndmin=2) std = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov1)) corr = np.clip(cov1 / np.outer(std, std), a_min=-1.0, a_max=1.0) if flag: corr = pd.DataFrame(corr, index=cols, columns=cols) return corr
[文档] def corr2cov(corr, std): r""" Generate a covariance matrix from a correlation matrix corr and a standard deviation vector std. Parameters ---------- corr : ndarray Assets correlation matrix of shape n_features x n_features, where n_features is the number of features. std : 1darray Assets standard deviation vector of size n_features, where n_features is the number of features. Returns ------- cov : ndarray A covariance matrix. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ flag = False if isinstance(corr, pd.DataFrame): cols = corr.columns.tolist() flag = True cov = corr * np.outer(std, std) if flag: cov = pd.DataFrame(cov, index=cols, columns=cols) return cov
[文档] def cov_fix(cov, method="clipped", threshold=1e-8): r""" Fix a covariance matrix to a positive definite matrix. Parameters ---------- cov : ndarray Covariance matrix of shape n_features x n_features, where n_features is the number of features. method : str The default value is 'clipped', see more in `cov_nearest <>`_. **kwargs Other parameters from `cov_nearest <>`_. Returns ------- cov_ : bool A positive definite covariance matrix. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ flag = False if isinstance(cov, pd.DataFrame): cols = cov.columns.tolist() flag = True cov_ = np.array(cov, ndmin=2) cov_ = cov_nearest(cov_, method=method, threshold=threshold) cov_ = np.array(cov_, ndmin=2) if flag: cov_ = pd.DataFrame(cov_, index=cols, columns=cols) return cov_
[文档] def cov_returns(cov, seed=0): r""" Generate a matrix of returns that have a covariance matrix cov. Parameters ---------- cov : ndarray Covariance matrix of shape n_features x n_features, where n_features is the number of features. Returns ------- a : ndarray A matrix of returns that have a covariance matrix cov. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ rs = np.random.RandomState(seed) n = len(cov) a = np.array(rs.randn(n + 10, n), ndmin=2) for i in range(0, 5): cov_ = np.cov(a.T) L = np.array(np.linalg.cholesky(cov_), ndmin=2) a = a @ np.linalg.inv(L).T cov_ = np.cov(a.T) desv_ = np.sqrt(np.array(np.diag(cov_), ndmin=2)) a = (np.array(a) - np.mean(a, axis=0)) / np.array(desv_) L1 = np.array(np.linalg.cholesky(cov), ndmin=2) a = a @ L1.T return a
[文档] def commutation_matrix(cov): r""" Generate the commutation matrix of the covariance matrix cov. Parameters ---------- cov : ndarray Covariance matrix of shape n_features x n_features, where n_features is the number of features. Returns ------- K : ndarray The commutation matrix of the covariance matrix cov. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ (m, n) = cov.shape row = np.arange(m * n) col = row.reshape((m, n), order="F").ravel() data = np.ones(m * n, dtype=np.int8) K = csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(m * n, m * n)) K = K.toarray() return K
[文档] def cokurtosis_matrix(Y): r""" Calculates cokurtosis square matrix as shown in :cite:`d-Cajas4`. Parameters ---------- Y : ndarray Returns series of shape n_sample x n_features. Returns ------- K : ndarray The cokurtosis square matrix. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ flag = False if isinstance(Y, pd.DataFrame): assets = Y.columns.tolist() cols = list(product(assets, assets)) cols = [str(y) + " - " + str(x) for x, y in cols] flag = True Y_ = np.array(Y, ndmin=2) T, n = Y_.shape mu = np.mean(Y_, axis=0).reshape(1, -1) mu = np.repeat(mu, T, axis=0) x = Y_ - mu ones = np.ones((1, n)) z = np.kron(ones, x) * np.kron(x, ones) S4 = 1 / T * z.T @ z if flag: S4 = pd.DataFrame(S4, index=cols, columns=cols) return S4
[文档] def semi_cokurtosis_matrix(Y): r""" Calculates semi cokurtosis square matrix as shown in :cite:`d-Cajas4`. Parameters ---------- Y : ndarray Returns series of shape n_sample x n_features. Returns ------- SK : ndarray The semi cokurtosis square matrix. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ flag = False if isinstance(Y, pd.DataFrame): assets = Y.columns.tolist() cols = list(product(assets, assets)) cols = [y + " - " + x for x, y in cols] flag = True Y_ = np.array(Y, ndmin=2) T, n = Y_.shape mu = np.mean(Y_, axis=0).reshape(1, -1) mu = np.repeat(mu, T, axis=0) x = Y_ - mu x = np.minimum(x, np.zeros_like(x)) ones = np.ones((1, n)) z = np.kron(ones, x) * np.kron(x, ones) SK4 = 1 / T * z.T @ z if flag: SK4 = pd.DataFrame(SK4, index=cols, columns=cols) return SK4
[文档] def block_vec_pq(A, p, q): r""" Calculates block vectorization operator as shown in :cite:`d-Loan1992` and :cite:`d-Ojeda2015`. Parameters ---------- A : ndarray Matrix that will be block vectorized. p : int Order p of block vectorization operator. q : int Order q of block vectorization operator. Returns ------- bvec_A : ndarray The block vectorized matrix. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ if isinstance(A, pd.DataFrame): A_ = A.to_numpy() mp, nq = A_.shape if mp % p == 0 and nq % q == 0: m = int(mp / p) n = int(nq / q) bvec_A = np.empty((0, p * q)) for j in range(n): Aj = np.empty((0, p * q)) for i in range(m): Aij = ( A_[i * p : (i + 1) * p, j * q : (j + 1) * q] .reshape(-1, 1, order="F") .T ) Aj = np.vstack([Aj, Aij]) bvec_A = np.vstack([bvec_A, Aj]) else: raise ValueError( "Dimensions p and q give non integer values for dimensions m and n." ) return bvec_A
############################################################################### # Aditional Codependence Functions ###############################################################################
[文档] def dcorr(X, Y): r""" Calculate the distance correlation between two variables :cite:`d-Szekely`. Parameters ---------- X : 1d-array Returns series, must have of shape n_sample x 1. Y : 1d-array Returns series, must have of shape n_sample x 1. Returns ------- value : float The distance correlation between variables X and Y. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ X = np.atleast_1d(X) Y = np.atleast_1d(Y) if == len(X): X = X[:, None] if == len(Y): Y = Y[:, None] X = np.atleast_2d(X) Y = np.atleast_2d(Y) n = X.shape[0] if Y.shape[0] != X.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Number of samples must match") a = squareform(pdist(X)) b = squareform(pdist(Y)) A = a - a.mean(axis=0)[None, :] - a.mean(axis=1)[:, None] + a.mean() B = b - b.mean(axis=0)[None, :] - b.mean(axis=1)[:, None] + b.mean() dcov2_xy = (A * B).sum() / float(n * n) dcov2_xx = (A * A).sum() / float(n * n) dcov2_yy = (B * B).sum() / float(n * n) value = np.sqrt(dcov2_xy) / np.sqrt(np.sqrt(dcov2_xx) * np.sqrt(dcov2_yy)) return value
[文档] def dcorr_matrix(X): r""" Calculate the distance correlation matrix of n variables. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Returns series of shape n_sample x n_features. Returns ------- corr : ndarray The distance correlation matrix of shape n_features x n_features. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ flag = False if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): cols = X.columns.tolist() X1 = X.to_numpy() flag = True else: X1 = X.copy() n = X1.shape[1] corr = np.ones((n, n)) indices = np.triu_indices(n, 1) for i, j in zip(indices[0], indices[1]): corr[i, j] = dcorr(X1[:, i], X1[:, j]) corr[j, i] = corr[i, j] if flag: corr = pd.DataFrame(corr, index=cols, columns=cols) else: corr = pd.DataFrame(corr) return corr
[文档] def numBins(n_samples, corr=None): r""" Calculate the optimal number of bins for discretization of mutual information and variation of information. Parameters ---------- n_samples : integer Number of samples. corr : float, optional Correlation coefficient of variables. The default value is None. Returns ------- bins : int The optimal number of bins. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ # univariate case if corr is None: z = ( 8 + 324 * n_samples + 12 * (36 * n_samples + 729 * n_samples**2) ** 0.5 ) ** (1 / 3) b = np.round(z / 6 + 2 / (3 * z) + 1 / 3) # bivariate case else: b = np.round( 2**-0.5 * (1 + (1 + 24 * n_samples / (1 - corr**2)) ** 0.5) ** 0.5 ) bins = np.int32(b) return bins
[文档] def mutual_info_matrix(X, bins_info="KN", normalize=True): r""" Calculate the mutual information matrix of n variables. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Returns series of shape n_sample x n_features. bins_info: int or str Number of bins used to calculate mutual information. The default value is 'KN'. Possible values are: - 'KN': Knuth's choice method. See more in `knuth_bin_width <>`_. - 'FD': Freedman–Diaconis' choice method. See more in `freedman_bin_width <>`_. - 'SC': Scotts' choice method. See more in `scott_bin_width <>`_. - 'HGR': Hacine-Gharbi and Ravier' choice method. - int: integer value choice by user. normalize: bool If normalize variation of information. The default value is True. Returns ------- corr : ndarray The mutual information matrix of shape n_features x n_features. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ flag = False if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): cols = X.columns.tolist() X1 = X.to_numpy() flag = True else: X1 = X.copy() m = X1.shape[0] n = X1.shape[1] mat = np.zeros((n, n)) indices = np.triu_indices(n) for i, j in zip(indices[0], indices[1]): if bins_info == "KN": k1 = (np.max(X1[:, i]) - np.min(X1[:, i])) / knuth_bin_width(X1[:, i]) bins = np.int32(np.round(k1)) if i != j: k2 = (np.max(X1[:, j]) - np.min(X1[:, j])) / knuth_bin_width(X1[:, j]) bins = np.int32(np.round(np.maximum(k1, k2))) elif bins_info == "FD": k1 = (np.max(X1[:, i]) - np.min(X1[:, i])) / freedman_bin_width(X1[:, i]) bins = np.int32(np.round(k1)) if i != j: k2 = (np.max(X1[:, j]) - np.min(X1[:, j])) / freedman_bin_width( X1[:, j] ) bins = np.int32(np.round(np.maximum(k1, k2))) elif bins_info == "SC": k1 = (np.max(X1[:, i]) - np.min(X1[:, i])) / scott_bin_width(X1[:, i]) bins = np.int32(np.round(k1)) if i != j: k2 = (np.max(X1[:, j]) - np.min(X1[:, j])) / scott_bin_width(X1[:, j]) bins = np.int32(np.round(np.maximum(k1, k2))) elif bins_info == "HGR": corr = np.corrcoef(X1[:, i], X1[:, j])[0, 1] if corr == 1: bins = numBins(m, None) else: bins = numBins(m, corr) elif isinstance(bins_info, np.int32) or isinstance(bins_info, int): bins = bins_info cXY = np.histogram2d(X1[:, i], X1[:, j], bins)[0] hX = st.entropy(np.histogram(X1[:, i], bins)[0]) # marginal hY = st.entropy(np.histogram(X1[:, j], bins)[0]) # marginal iXY = mutual_info_score(None, None, contingency=cXY) # mutual information if normalize == True: iXY = iXY / np.min([hX, hY]) # normalized mutual information # hXY = hX + hY - iXY # joint # hX_Y = hXY - hY # conditional # hY_X = hXY - hX # conditional mat[i, j] = iXY mat[j, i] = mat[i, j] mat = np.clip(np.round(mat, 8), a_min=0.0, a_max=np.inf) if flag: mat = pd.DataFrame(mat, index=cols, columns=cols) return mat
[文档] def var_info_matrix(X, bins_info="KN", normalize=True): r""" Calculate the variation of information matrix of n variables. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Returns series of shape n_sample x n_features. bins_info: int or str Number of bins used to calculate variation of information. The default value is 'KN'. Possible values are: - 'KN': Knuth's choice method. See more in `knuth_bin_width <>`_. - 'FD': Freedman–Diaconis' choice method. See more in `freedman_bin_width <>`_. - 'SC': Scotts' choice method. See more in `scott_bin_width <>`_. - 'HGR': Hacine-Gharbi and Ravier' choice method. - int: integer value choice by user. normalize: bool If normalize variation of information. The default value is True. Returns ------- corr : ndarray The mutual information matrix of shape n_features x n_features. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ flag = False if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): cols = X.columns.tolist() X1 = X.to_numpy() flag = True else: X1 = X.copy() m = X1.shape[0] n = X1.shape[1] mat = np.zeros((n, n)) indices = np.triu_indices(n) for i, j in zip(indices[0], indices[1]): if bins_info == "KN": k1 = (np.max(X1[:, i]) - np.min(X1[:, i])) / knuth_bin_width(X1[:, i]) bins = np.int32(np.round(k1)) if i != j: k2 = (np.max(X1[:, j]) - np.min(X1[:, j])) / knuth_bin_width(X1[:, j]) bins = np.int32(np.round(np.maximum(k1, k2))) elif bins_info == "FD": k1 = (np.max(X1[:, i]) - np.min(X1[:, i])) / freedman_bin_width(X1[:, i]) bins = np.int32(np.round(k1)) if i != j: k2 = (np.max(X1[:, j]) - np.min(X1[:, j])) / freedman_bin_width( X1[:, j] ) bins = np.int32(np.round(np.maximum(k1, k2))) elif bins_info == "SC": k1 = (np.max(X1[:, i]) - np.min(X1[:, i])) / scott_bin_width(X1[:, i]) bins = np.int32(np.round(k1)) if i != j: k2 = (np.max(X1[:, j]) - np.min(X1[:, j])) / scott_bin_width(X1[:, j]) bins = np.int32(np.round(np.maximum(k1, k2))) elif bins_info == "HGR": corr = np.corrcoef(X1[:, i], X1[:, j])[0, 1] if corr == 1: bins = numBins(m, None) else: bins = numBins(m, corr) elif isinstance(bins_info, np.int32) or isinstance(bins_info, int): bins = bins_info cXY = np.histogram2d(X1[:, i], X1[:, j], bins)[0] hX = st.entropy(np.histogram(X1[:, i], bins)[0]) # marginal hY = st.entropy(np.histogram(X1[:, j], bins)[0]) # marginal iXY = mutual_info_score(None, None, contingency=cXY) # mutual information vXY = hX + hY - 2 * iXY # variation of information if normalize == True: hXY = hX + hY - iXY # joint vXY = vXY / hXY # normalized variation of information mat[i, j] = vXY mat[j, i] = mat[i, j] mat = np.clip(np.round(mat, 8), a_min=0.0, a_max=np.inf) if flag: mat = pd.DataFrame(mat, index=cols, columns=cols) return mat
[文档] def ltdi_matrix(X, alpha=0.05): r""" Calculate the lower tail dependence index matrix using the empirical approach. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Returns series of shape n_sample x n_features. alpha : float, optional Significance level for lower tail dependence index. The default is 0.05. Returns ------- corr : ndarray The lower tail dependence index matrix of shape n_features x n_features. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ flag = False if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): cols = X.columns.tolist() X1 = X.to_numpy() flag = True else: X1 = X.copy() m = X1.shape[0] n = X1.shape[1] k = np.int32(np.ceil(m * alpha)) mat = np.ones((n, n)) if k > 0: indices = np.triu_indices(n) for i, j in zip(indices[0], indices[1]): u = np.sort(X1[:, i])[k - 1] v = np.sort(X1[:, j])[k - 1] ltd = ( np.sum(np.where(np.logical_and(X1[:, i] <= u, X1[:, j] <= v), 1, 0)) / k ) mat[i, j] = ltd mat[j, i] = mat[i, j] for i in range(0, n): u = np.sort(X1[:, i])[k - 1] v = np.sort(X1[:, i])[k - 1] ltd = ( np.sum(np.where(np.logical_and(X1[:, i] <= u, X1[:, i] <= v), 1, 0)) / k ) mat[i, i] = ltd mat = np.clip(np.round(mat, 8), a_min=1.0e-8, a_max=1) if flag: mat = pd.DataFrame(mat, index=cols, columns=cols) else: mat = pd.DataFrame(mat) return mat
[文档] def two_diff_gap_stat(codep, dist, clusters, max_k=10): r""" Calculate the optimal number of clusters based on the two difference gap statistic :cite:`d-twogap`. Parameters ---------- codep : DataFrame A codependence matrix. dist : str, optional A distance measure based on the codependence matrix. clusters : str, optional The hierarchical clustering encoded as a linkage matrix, see `linkage <>`_ for more details. max_k : int, optional Max number of clusters used by the two difference gap statistic to find the optimal number of clusters. The default is 10. Returns ------- k : int The optimal number of clusters based on the two difference gap statistic. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ # cluster levels over from 1 to N-1 clusters cluster_lvls = pd.DataFrame(hr.cut_tree(clusters), index=codep.columns) num_k = cluster_lvls.columns # save column with number of clusters cluster_lvls = cluster_lvls.iloc[:, ::-1] # reverse order to start with 1 cluster cluster_lvls.columns = num_k # set columns to number of cluster W_list = [] # get within-cluster dissimilarity for each k for k in range(min(len(cluster_lvls.columns), max_k)): level = cluster_lvls.iloc[:, k] # get k clusters D_list = [] # within-cluster distance list for i in range(np.max(level.unique()) + 1): cluster = level.loc[level == i] # Based on correlation distance cluster_dist = dist.loc[cluster.index, cluster.index] # get distance cluster_pdist = squareform(cluster_dist, checks=False) if cluster_pdist.shape[0] != 0: D = np.nan_to_num(cluster_pdist.mean()) D_list.append(D) # append to list W_k = np.sum(D_list) W_list.append(W_k) W_list = pd.Series(W_list) n = codep.shape[0] limit_k = int(min(max_k, np.sqrt(n))) gaps = W_list.shift(2) + W_list - 2 * W_list.shift(1) gaps = gaps[0:limit_k] if gaps.isna().all(): k = len(gaps) else: k = int(gaps.idxmax() + 2) return k
############################################################################### # Denoising Functions Based on Lopez de Prado Book ###############################################################################
[文档] def fitKDE(obs, bWidth=0.01, kernel="gaussian", x=None): """ Fit kernel to a series of obs, and derive the prob of obs x is the array of values on which the fit KDE will be evaluated. It is the empirical Probability Density Function (PDF). For more information see chapter 2 of :cite:`d-MLforAM`. Parameters ---------- obs : ndarray Observations to fit. Commonly is the diagonal of Eigenvalues. bWidth : float, optional The bandwidth of the kernel. The default value is 0.01. kernel : string, optional The kernel to use. The default value is 'gaussian'. For more information see: `kernel-density <>`_. Possible values are: - 'gaussian': gaussian kernel. - 'tophat': tophat kernel. - 'epanechnikov': epanechnikov kernel. - 'exponential': exponential kernel. - 'linear': linear kernel. - 'cosine': cosine kernel. x : ndarray, optional It is the array of values on which the fit KDE will be evaluated. Returns ------- pdf : pd.series Empirical PDF. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ if len(obs.shape) == 1: obs = obs.reshape(-1, 1) kde = KernelDensity(kernel=kernel, bandwidth=bWidth).fit(obs) if x is None: x = np.unique(obs).reshape(-1, 1) if len(x.shape) == 1: x = x.reshape(-1, 1) logProb = kde.score_samples(x) # log(density) pdf = pd.Series(np.exp(logProb), index=x.flatten()) return pdf
[文档] def mpPDF(var, q, pts): r""" Creates a Marchenko-Pastur Probability Density Function (PDF). For more information see chapter 2 of :cite:`d-MLforAM`. Parameters ---------- var : float Variance. q : float T/N where T is the number of rows and N the number of columns pts : int Number of points used to construct the PDF. Returns ------- pdf : pd.series Marchenko-Pastur PDF. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ if isinstance(var, np.ndarray): if var.shape == (1,): var = var[0] eMin, eMax = var * (1 - (1.0 / q) ** 0.5) ** 2, var * (1 + (1.0 / q) ** 0.5) ** 2 eVal = np.linspace(eMin, eMax, pts) pdf = q / (2 * np.pi * var * eVal) * ((eMax - eVal) * (eVal - eMin)) ** 0.5 pdf = pd.Series(pdf, index=eVal) return pdf
[文档] def errPDFs(var, eVal, q, bWidth=0.01, pts=1000): r""" Fit error of Empirical PDF (uses Marchenko-Pastur PDF). For more information see chapter 2 of :cite:`d-MLforAM`. Parameters ---------- var : float Variance. eVal : ndarray Eigenvalues to fit. q : float T/N where T is the number of rows and N the number of columns. bWidth : float, optional The bandwidth of the kernel. The default value is 0.01. pts : int Number of points used to construct the PDF. The default value is 1000. Returns ------- pdf : float Sum squared error. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ # Fit error pdf0 = mpPDF(var, q, pts) # theoretical pdf pdf1 = fitKDE(eVal, bWidth, x=pdf0.index.values) # empirical pdf sse = np.sum((pdf1 - pdf0) ** 2) return sse
[文档] def findMaxEval(eVal, q, bWidth=0.01): r""" Find max random eVal by fitting Marchenko’s dist (i.e) everything else larger than this, is a signal eigenvalue. For more information see chapter 2 of :cite:`d-MLforAM`. Parameters ---------- eVal : ndarray Eigenvalues to fit. q : float T/N where T is the number of rows and N the number of columns. bWidth : float, optional The bandwidth of the kernel. Returns ------- pdf : tuple (float, float) First value is the maximum random eigenvalue and second is the variance attributed to noise (1-result) is one way to measure signal-to-noise. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ out = minimize( lambda *x: errPDFs(*x), 0.5, args=(eVal, q, bWidth), bounds=((1e-5, 1 - 1e-5),) ) if out["success"]: var = out["x"][0] else: var = 1 eMax = var * (1 + (1.0 / q) ** 0.5) ** 2 return eMax, var
[文档] def getPCA(matrix): r""" Gets the Eigenvalues and Eigenvector values from a Hermitian Matrix. For more information see chapter 2 of :cite:`d-MLforAM`. Parameters ---------- matrix : ndarray or pd.DataFrame Correlation matrix. Returns ------- pdf : tuple (float, float) First value are the eigenvalues of correlation matrix and second are the Eigenvectors of correlation matrix. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ # Get eVal,eVec from a Hermitian matrix eVal, eVec = np.linalg.eigh(matrix) indices = eVal.argsort()[::-1] # arguments for sorting eVal desc eVal, eVec = eVal[indices], eVec[:, indices] eVal = np.diagflat(eVal) return eVal, eVec
[文档] def denoisedCorr(eVal, eVec, nFacts, kind="fixed"): r""" Remove noise from correlation matrix using fixing random eigenvalues and spectral method. For more information see chapter 2 of :cite:`d-MLforAM`. Parameters ---------- eVal : 1darray Eigenvalues. eVal : ndarray Eigenvectors. nFacts : float The number of factors. kind : str, optional The denoise method. The default value is 'fixed'. Possible values are: - 'fixed': takes average of eigenvalues above max Marchenko Pastour limit. - 'spectral': makes zero eigenvalues above max Marchenko Pastour limit. Returns ------- corr : ndarray Denoised correlation matrix. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ eVal_ = np.diag(eVal).copy() if kind == "fixed": eVal_[nFacts:] = eVal_[nFacts:].sum() / float(eVal_.shape[0] - nFacts) elif kind == "spectral": eVal_[nFacts:] = 0 eVal_ = np.diag(eVal_) corr =, eVal_).dot(eVec.T) corr = cov2corr(corr) return corr
[文档] def shrinkCorr(eVal, eVec, nFacts, alpha=0): r""" Remove noise from correlation using target shrinkage. For more information see chapter 2 of :cite:`d-MLforAM`. Parameters ---------- eVal : 1darray Eigenvalues. eVal : ndarray Eigenvectors. nFacts : float The number of factors. alpha : float, optional Shrinkage factor. Returns ------- corr : ndarray Denoised correlation matrix. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ eVal_L = eVal[:nFacts, :nFacts] eVec_L = eVec[:, :nFacts] eVal_R = eVal[nFacts:, nFacts:] eVec_R = eVec[:, nFacts:] corr0 =, eVal_L).dot(eVec_L.T) corr1 =, eVal_R).dot(eVec_R.T) corr2 = corr0 + alpha * corr1 + (1 - alpha) * np.diag(np.diag(corr1)) return corr2
[文档] def denoiseCov(cov, q, kind="fixed", bWidth=0.01, detone=False, mkt_comp=1, alpha=0): r""" Remove noise from cov by fixing random eigenvalues of their correlation matrix. For more information see chapter 2 of :cite:`d-MLforAM`. Parameters ---------- cov : ndarray or pd.DataFrame Covariance matrix of shape n_features x n_features, where n_features is the number of features. q : float T/N where T is the number of rows and N the number of columns. bWidth : float The bandwidth of the kernel. kind : str, optional The denoise method. The default value is 'fixed'. Possible values are: - 'fixed': takes average of eigenvalues above max Marchenko Pastour limit. - 'spectral': makes zero eigenvalues above max Marchenko Pastour limit. - 'shrink': uses target shrinkage method. detone : bool, optional If remove the firs mkt_comp of correlation matrix. The detone correlation matrix is singular, so it cannot be inverted. mkt_comp : float, optional Number of first components that will be removed using the detone method. alpha : float, optional Shrinkage factor. Returns ------- cov_ : ndarray or pd.DataFrame Denoised covariance matrix. Raises ------ ValueError when the value cannot be calculated. """ flag = False if isinstance(cov, pd.DataFrame): cols = cov.columns.tolist() flag = True corr = cov2corr(cov) std = np.diag(cov) ** 0.5 eVal, eVec = getPCA(corr) eMax, var = findMaxEval(np.diag(eVal), q, bWidth) nFacts = eVal.shape[0] - np.diag(eVal)[::-1].searchsorted(eMax) if kind in ["fixed", "spectral"]: corr = denoisedCorr(eVal, eVec, nFacts, kind=kind) elif kind == "shrink": corr = shrinkCorr(eVal, eVec, nFacts, alpha=alpha) if detone == True: eVal_ = eVal[:mkt_comp, :mkt_comp] eVec_ = eVec[:, :mkt_comp] corr_ =, eVal_).dot(eVec_.T) corr = corr - corr_ cov_ = corr2cov(corr, std) if flag: cov_ = pd.DataFrame(cov_, index=cols, columns=cols) return cov_
############################################################################### # Other Aditional Functions ###############################################################################
[文档] def round_values(data, decimals=4, wider=False): r""" This function help us to round values to values close or away from zero. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray, pd.Series or pd.DataFrame Data that are going to be rounded. decimals : integer Number of decimals to round. wider : float False if round to values close to zero, True if round to values away from zero. Returns ------- value : np.ndarray, pd.Series or pd.DataFrame Data rounded using selected method. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. """ if wider == True: value = np.where( data >= 0, np.ceil(data * 10**decimals) / 10**decimals, np.floor(data * 10**decimals) / 10**decimals, ) elif wider == False: value = np.where( data >= 0, np.floor(data * 10**decimals) / 10**decimals, np.ceil(data * 10**decimals) / 10**decimals, ) if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): value = pd.DataFrame(value, columns=data.columns, index=data.index) if isinstance(data, pd.Series): value = pd.Series(value, index=data.index) return value
[文档] def weights_discretizetion( weights, prices, capital=1000000, w_decimal=6, ascending=False ): r""" This function help us to find the number of shares that must be bought or sold to achieve portfolio weights according the prices of assets and the invested capital. Parameters ---------- weights : pd.Series or pd.DataFrame Vector of weights of size n_assets x 1. prices : pd.Series or pd.DataFrame Vector of prices of size n_assets x 1. capital : float, optional Capital invested. The default value is 1000000. w_decimal : int, optional Number of decimals use to round the portfolio weights. The default value is 6. ascending : bool, optional If True assigns excess capital to assets with lower weights, else, to assets with higher weights. The default value is False. Returns ------- n_shares : pd.DataFrame Number of shares that must be bought or sold to achieve portfolio weights. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. """ if isinstance(weights, pd.Series): w = weights.to_frame().copy() elif isinstance(weights, pd.DataFrame): if weights.shape[0] == 1: w = weights.T.copy() elif weights.shape[1] == 1: w = weights.copy() pass else: raise ValueError("weights must have size n_assets x 1") else: raise ValueError("weights must be DataFrame") if isinstance(prices, pd.Series): p = prices.to_frame().copy() elif isinstance(prices, pd.DataFrame): if prices.shape[0] == 1: p = prices.T.copy() elif prices.shape[1] == 1: p = prices.copy() pass else: raise ValueError("prices must have size n_assets x 1") else: raise ValueError("prices must be DataFrame") w.columns = [0] p.columns = [0] total = w.sum().item() w = round_values(w, decimals=w_decimal, wider=False) w.loc[w.idxmin().tolist()] = w.loc[w.idxmin().tolist()] + (total - w.sum()).item() n_shares = round_values(capital * w / p, decimals=0, wider=False) excedent = [capital + 1, capital] i = 1 while excedent[i] < excedent[i - 1]: new_capital = (n_shares.T @ p).iloc[0, 0] excedent.append(capital - new_capital) new_shares = round_values(excedent[-1] * w / p, 0) n_shares += new_shares i += 1 n_shares_1 = capital * w / p excedent = capital - (n_shares.T @ p).iloc[0, 0] i = 1 d_shares = np.abs(n_shares_1) - np.abs(n_shares) d_shares = np.where(d_shares > 0, n_shares_1 - n_shares, 0) d_shares = round_values(d_shares, decimals=0, wider=True) d_shares = pd.DataFrame(d_shares, columns=w.columns, index=w.index) n_shares_1 = capital * w / p excedent = capital - (n_shares.T @ p).iloc[0, 0] d_shares = np.abs(n_shares_1) - np.abs(n_shares) d_shares = np.where(d_shares > 0, n_shares_1 - n_shares, 0) d_shares = round_values(d_shares, decimals=0, wider=True) d_shares = pd.DataFrame(d_shares, columns=w.columns, index=w.index) order = w.sort_values(by=0, ascending=ascending).index.tolist() d_list = d_shares[d_shares[0] == 1].index.tolist() for i in order: if i in d_list: new_shares = round_values(excedent / p.loc[i, 0], 0).item() if new_shares > 0: n_shares.loc[i] += new_shares excedent = capital - (n_shares.T @ p).iloc[0, 0] return n_shares
[文档] def color_list(k): r""" This function creates a list of colors. Parameters ---------- k : int Number of colors. Returns ------- colors : list A list of colors. """ colors = [] if k <= 10: for i in range(10): colors.append(mpl.colors.rgb2hex(plt.get_cmap("tab10").colors[i])) elif k <= 20: for i in range(20): colors.append(mpl.colors.rgb2hex(plt.get_cmap("tab20").colors[i])) elif k <= 40: for i in range(20): colors.append(mpl.colors.rgb2hex(plt.get_cmap("tab20").colors[i])) for i in range(20): colors.append(mpl.colors.rgb2hex(plt.get_cmap("tab20b").colors[i])) else: for i in range(20): colors.append(mpl.colors.rgb2hex(plt.get_cmap("tab20").colors[i])) for i in range(20): colors.append(mpl.colors.rgb2hex(plt.get_cmap("tab20b").colors[i])) for i in range(20): colors.append(mpl.colors.rgb2hex(plt.get_cmap("tab20c").colors[i])) if k / 60 > 1: colors = colors * int(np.ceil(k / 60)) return colors