pypfopt.efficient_frontier.efficient_semivariance 源代码

The ``efficient_semivariance`` submodule houses the EfficientSemivariance class, which
generates portfolios along the mean-semivariance frontier.

import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np

from .. import objective_functions
from .efficient_frontier import EfficientFrontier

[文档] class EfficientSemivariance(EfficientFrontier): """ EfficientSemivariance 对象帮助沿着均值-均值边界进行优化。这适合那些更关注下行偏差的用户。 可用变量: - 输入: - ``n_assets`` - int - ``tickers`` - str list - ``bounds`` - float tuple OR (float tuple) list - ``returns`` - pd.DataFrame - ``expected_returns`` - np.ndarray - ``solver`` - str - ``solver_options`` - {str: str} dict - 输出: ``weights`` - np.ndarray 公共方法: - ``min_semivariance()`` 最小化投资组合的 semivariance(下行偏差)。 - ``max_quadratic_utility()`` 在一定的风险规避下,最大化"下行二次方效用"。 - ``efficient_risk()`` 在给定的目标半偏差下,使收益最大化。 - ``efficient_return()`` 在给定的目标收益率下,最小化半偏差。 - ``add_objective()`` 为优化问题添加一个(凸)目标。 - ``add_constraint()`` 在优化问题中加入一个约束条件。 - ``convex_objective()`` 解决一个带有线性约束的通用凸目标。 - ``portfolio_performance()`` 计算优化后的投资组合期望收益率、半偏差和索提诺比率。 - ``set_weights()`` 从一个权重字典中创建 self.weights (np.ndarray)。 - ``clean_weights()`` 对权重进行四舍五入,并剪掉接近零的部分。 - ``save_weights_to_file()`` 将权重保存为 csv、json 或 txt。 """ def __init__( self, expected_returns, returns, frequency=252, benchmark=0, weight_bounds=(0, 1), solver=None, verbose=False, solver_options=None, ): """ :param expected_returns: expected returns for each asset. Can be None if optimising for semideviation only. :type expected_returns: pd.Series, list, np.ndarray :param returns: (historic) returns for all your assets (no NaNs). See ``expected_returns.returns_from_prices``. :type returns: pd.DataFrame or np.array :param frequency: number of time periods in a year, defaults to 252 (the number of trading days in a year). This must agree with the frequency parameter used in your ``expected_returns``. :type frequency: int, optional :param benchmark: the return threshold to distinguish "downside" and "upside". This should match the frequency of your ``returns``, i.e this should be a benchmark daily returns if your ``returns`` are also daily. :param weight_bounds: minimum and maximum weight of each asset OR single min/max pair if all identical, defaults to (0, 1). Must be changed to (-1, 1) for portfolios with shorting. :type weight_bounds: tuple OR tuple list, optional :param solver: name of solver. list available solvers with: `cvxpy.installed_solvers()` :type solver: str :param verbose: whether performance and debugging info should be printed, defaults to False :type verbose: bool, optional :param solver_options: parameters for the given solver :type solver_options: dict, optional :raises TypeError: if ``expected_returns`` is not a series, list or array """ # Instantiate parent super().__init__( expected_returns=expected_returns, cov_matrix=np.zeros((returns.shape[1],) * 2), # dummy weight_bounds=weight_bounds, solver=solver, verbose=verbose, solver_options=solver_options, ) self.returns = self._validate_returns(returns) self.benchmark = benchmark self.frequency = frequency self._T = self.returns.shape[0] def min_volatility(self): raise NotImplementedError("Please use min_semivariance instead.") def max_sharpe(self, risk_free_rate=0.02): raise NotImplementedError("Method not available in EfficientSemivariance")
[文档] def min_semivariance(self, market_neutral=False): """ 最小化投资组合的半方差(进一步解释见文档)。 :param market_neutral: whether the portfolio should be market neutral (weights sum to zero), defaults to False. Requires negative lower weight bound. :param market_neutral: bool, optional :return: asset weights for the volatility-minimising portfolio :rtype: OrderedDict """ p = cp.Variable(self._T, nonneg=True) n = cp.Variable(self._T, nonneg=True) self._objective = cp.sum(cp.square(n)) for obj in self._additional_objectives: self._objective += obj B = (self.returns.values - self.benchmark) / np.sqrt(self._T) self.add_constraint(lambda w: B @ w - p + n == 0) self._make_weight_sum_constraint(market_neutral) return self._solve_cvxpy_opt_problem()
[文档] def max_quadratic_utility(self, risk_aversion=1, market_neutral=False): """ 最大化给定的二次效用,使用半方差而不是方差。 :param risk_aversion: risk aversion parameter (must be greater than 0), defaults to 1 :type risk_aversion: positive float :param market_neutral: whether the portfolio should be market neutral (weights sum to zero), defaults to False. Requires negative lower weight bound. :param market_neutral: bool, optional :return: asset weights for the maximum-utility portfolio :rtype: OrderedDict """ if risk_aversion <= 0: raise ValueError("risk aversion coefficient must be greater than zero") update_existing_parameter = self.is_parameter_defined("risk_aversion") if update_existing_parameter: self._validate_market_neutral(market_neutral) self.update_parameter_value("risk_aversion", risk_aversion) else: p = cp.Variable(self._T, nonneg=True) n = cp.Variable(self._T, nonneg=True) mu = objective_functions.portfolio_return(self._w, self.expected_returns) mu /= self.frequency risk_aversion_par = cp.Parameter( value=risk_aversion, name="risk_aversion", nonneg=True ) self._objective = mu + 0.5 * risk_aversion_par * cp.sum(cp.square(n)) for obj in self._additional_objectives: self._objective += obj B = (self.returns.values - self.benchmark) / np.sqrt(self._T) self.add_constraint(lambda w: B @ w - p + n == 0) self._make_weight_sum_constraint(market_neutral) return self._solve_cvxpy_opt_problem()
[文档] def efficient_risk(self, target_semideviation, market_neutral=False): """ 使目标半标准差(下行标准偏差)的收益最大化。由此产生的投资组合将有一个小于目标的半标准差(但不保证相等)。 :param target_semideviation: the desired maximum semideviation of the resulting portfolio. :type target_semideviation: float :param market_neutral: whether the portfolio should be market neutral (weights sum to zero), defaults to False. Requires negative lower weight bound. :param market_neutral: bool, optional :return: asset weights for the efficient risk portfolio :rtype: OrderedDict """ update_existing_parameter = self.is_parameter_defined("target_semivariance") if update_existing_parameter: self._validate_market_neutral(market_neutral) self.update_parameter_value( "target_semivariance", target_semideviation**2 ) else: self._objective = objective_functions.portfolio_return( self._w, self.expected_returns ) for obj in self._additional_objectives: self._objective += obj p = cp.Variable(self._T, nonneg=True) n = cp.Variable(self._T, nonneg=True) target_semivariance = cp.Parameter( value=target_semideviation**2, name="target_semivariance", nonneg=True ) self.add_constraint( lambda _: self.frequency * cp.sum(cp.square(n)) <= target_semivariance ) B = (self.returns.values - self.benchmark) / np.sqrt(self._T) self.add_constraint(lambda w: B @ w - p + n == 0) self._make_weight_sum_constraint(market_neutral) return self._solve_cvxpy_opt_problem()
[文档] def efficient_return(self, target_return, market_neutral=False): """ 在给定的目标收益下,使半方差最小。 :param target_return: the desired return of the resulting portfolio. :type target_return: float :param market_neutral: whether the portfolio should be market neutral (weights sum to zero), defaults to False. Requires negative lower weight bound. :type market_neutral: bool, optional :raises ValueError: if ``target_return`` is not a positive float :raises ValueError: if no portfolio can be found with return equal to ``target_return`` :return: asset weights for the optimal portfolio :rtype: OrderedDict """ if not isinstance(target_return, float) or target_return < 0: raise ValueError("target_return should be a positive float") if target_return > np.abs(self.expected_returns).max(): raise ValueError( "target_return must be lower than the largest expected return" ) update_existing_parameter = self.is_parameter_defined("target_return") if update_existing_parameter: self._validate_market_neutral(market_neutral) self.update_parameter_value("target_return", target_return) else: p = cp.Variable(self._T, nonneg=True) n = cp.Variable(self._T, nonneg=True) self._objective = cp.sum(cp.square(n)) for obj in self._additional_objectives: self._objective += obj target_return_par = cp.Parameter(name="target_return", value=target_return) self.add_constraint( lambda w: cp.sum(w @ self.expected_returns) >= target_return_par ) B = (self.returns.values - self.benchmark) / np.sqrt(self._T) self.add_constraint(lambda w: B @ w - p + n == 0) self._make_weight_sum_constraint(market_neutral) return self._solve_cvxpy_opt_problem()
[文档] def portfolio_performance(self, verbose=False, risk_free_rate=0.02): """ 优化后,计算(并可选择打印)最优投资组合的表现,具体包括:期望收益率、半离差和索提诺比率。 :param verbose: whether performance should be printed, defaults to False :type verbose: bool, optional :param risk_free_rate: risk-free rate of borrowing/lending, defaults to 0.02. The period of the risk-free rate should correspond to the frequency of expected returns. :type risk_free_rate: float, optional :raises ValueError: if weights have not been calculated yet :return: expected return, semideviation, Sortino ratio. :rtype: (float, float, float) """ mu = objective_functions.portfolio_return( self.weights, self.expected_returns, negative=False ) portfolio_returns = self.returns @ self.weights drops = np.fmin(portfolio_returns - self.benchmark, 0) semivariance = np.sum(np.square(drops)) / self._T * self.frequency semi_deviation = np.sqrt(semivariance) sortino_ratio = (mu - risk_free_rate) / semi_deviation if verbose: print("Expected annual return: {:.1f}%".format(100 * mu)) print("Annual semi-deviation: {:.1f}%".format(100 * semi_deviation)) print("Sortino Ratio: {:.2f}".format(sortino_ratio)) return mu, semi_deviation, sortino_ratio