pypfopt.discrete_allocation 源代码

``discrete_allocation`` 模块包含 DiscreteAllocation 类,它提供了多种方法来从连续权重生成离散的投资组合分配。
import collections

import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from . import exceptions

def get_latest_prices(prices):
    A helper tool which retrieves the most recent asset prices from a dataframe of
    asset prices, required in order to generate a discrete allocation.

    :param prices: historical asset prices
    :type prices: pd.DataFrame
    :raises TypeError: if prices are not in a dataframe
    :return: the most recent price of each asset
    :rtype: pd.Series
    if not isinstance(prices, pd.DataFrame):
        raise TypeError("prices not in a dataframe")
    return prices.ffill().iloc[-1]

[文档] class DiscreteAllocation: """ 从连续权重生成离散的投资组合配置 可选: - Inputs: - ``weights`` - 字典 - ``latest_prices`` - pd.Series 或字典 - ``total_portfolio_value`` - int 或 float - ``short_ratio``- float - Output: ``allocation`` - dict 公共方法: - ``greedy_portfolio()`` - 使用贪婪算法 - ``lp_portfolio()`` - 使用线性规划 """
[文档] def __init__( self, weights, latest_prices, total_portfolio_value=10000, short_ratio=None ): """ :param weights: 从 ``efficient_frontier`` 模块生成的连续权重 :type weights: dict :param latest_prices: 每项资产的最新价格 :type latest_prices: pd.Series :param total_portfolio_value: 投资组合的预期总价值,默认为 10000 :type total_portfolio_value: int/float, optional :param short_ratio: 做空比率,例如 0.3 对应于 130/30。如果 None,则默认为输入权重。 :type short_ratio: float, defaults to None. :raises TypeError: 如果 ``weights`` 非字典 :raises TypeError: 如果 ``latest_prices`` 非 series :raises ValueError: 如果 ``short_ratio < 0`` """ if not isinstance(weights, dict): raise TypeError("weights should be a dictionary of {ticker: weight}") if any(np.isnan(val) for val in weights.values()): raise ValueError("weights should have no NaNs") if (not isinstance(latest_prices, pd.Series)) or any(np.isnan(latest_prices)): raise TypeError("latest_prices should be a pd.Series with no NaNs") if total_portfolio_value <= 0: raise ValueError("total_portfolio_value must be greater than zero") if short_ratio is not None and short_ratio < 0: raise ValueError("short_ratio must be non-negative") # Drop any companies with negligible weights. Use a tuple because order matters. self.weights = list(weights.items()) self.latest_prices = latest_prices self.total_portfolio_value = total_portfolio_value if short_ratio is None: self.short_ratio = sum((-x[1] for x in self.weights if x[1] < 0)) else: self.short_ratio = short_ratio
[文档] @staticmethod def _remove_zero_positions(allocation): """ 移除零仓位(即没有买入股票)的效用函数 :type allocation: dict """ return {k: v for k, v in allocation.items() if v != 0}
[文档] def _allocation_rmse_error(self, verbose=True): """ 计算和打印离散权重和连续权重之间的 RMSE 误差的实用函数。 使用 RMSE 而不是 MAE 是因为我们想对大的变化进行惩罚。 :param verbose: 是否输出权重差异 :type verbose: bool :return: rmse 误差 :rtype: float """ portfolio_val = 0 for ticker, num in self.allocation.items(): portfolio_val += num * self.latest_prices[ticker] sse = 0 # sum of square errors for ticker, weight in self.weights: if ticker in self.allocation: allocation_weight = ( self.allocation[ticker] * self.latest_prices[ticker] / portfolio_val ) else: allocation_weight = 0 sse += (weight - allocation_weight) ** 2 if verbose: print( "{}: allocated {:.3f}, desired {:.3f}".format( ticker, allocation_weight, weight ) ) rmse = np.sqrt(sse / len(self.weights)) print("Allocation has RMSE: {:.3f}".format(rmse)) return rmse
[文档] def greedy_portfolio(self, reinvest=False, verbose=False): """ 使用贪婪的迭代方法将连续权重转换成离散的投资组合分配。 :param reinvest: 是否对做空获得的现金进行再投资 :type reinvest: bool, 默认为 False :param verbose: 是否详细输出 :type verbose: bool, 默认为 False :return: 应该购买的每个股票的数量,以及剩余的资金数额。 :rtype: (dict, float) """ # Sort in descending order of weight self.weights.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # If portfolio contains shorts if self.weights[-1][1] < 0: longs = {t: w for t, w in self.weights if w >= 0} shorts = {t: -w for t, w in self.weights if w < 0} # Make them sum to one long_total_weight = sum(longs.values()) short_total_weight = sum(shorts.values()) longs = {t: w / long_total_weight for t, w in longs.items()} shorts = {t: w / short_total_weight for t, w in shorts.items()} # Construct long-only discrete allocations for each short_val = self.total_portfolio_value * self.short_ratio long_val = self.total_portfolio_value if reinvest: long_val += short_val if verbose: print("\nAllocating long sub-portfolio...") da1 = DiscreteAllocation( longs, self.latest_prices[longs.keys()], total_portfolio_value=long_val ) long_alloc, long_leftover = da1.greedy_portfolio() if verbose: print("\nAllocating short sub-portfolio...") da2 = DiscreteAllocation( shorts, self.latest_prices[shorts.keys()], total_portfolio_value=short_val, ) short_alloc, short_leftover = da2.greedy_portfolio() short_alloc = {t: -w for t, w in short_alloc.items()} # Combine and return self.allocation = long_alloc.copy() self.allocation.update(short_alloc) self.allocation = self._remove_zero_positions(self.allocation) return self.allocation, long_leftover + short_leftover # Otherwise, portfolio is long only and we proceed with greedy algo available_funds = self.total_portfolio_value shares_bought = [] buy_prices = [] # First round for ticker, weight in self.weights: price = self.latest_prices[ticker] # Attempt to buy the lower integer number of shares, which could be zero. n_shares = int(weight * self.total_portfolio_value / price) cost = n_shares * price # As weights are all > 0 (long only) we always round down n_shares # so the cost is always <= simple weighted share of portfolio value, # so we can not run out of funds just here. assert cost <= available_funds, "Unexpectedly insufficient funds." available_funds -= cost shares_bought.append(n_shares) buy_prices.append(price) # Second round while available_funds > 0: # Calculate the equivalent continuous weights of the shares that # have already been bought current_weights = np.array(buy_prices) * np.array(shares_bought) current_weights /= current_weights.sum() ideal_weights = np.array([i[1] for i in self.weights]) deficit = ideal_weights - current_weights # Attempt to buy the asset whose current weights deviate the most idx = np.argmax(deficit) ticker, weight = self.weights[idx] price = self.latest_prices[ticker] # If we can't afford this asset, search for the next highest deficit that we # can purchase. counter = 0 while price > available_funds: deficit[idx] = 0 # we can no longer purchase the asset at idx idx = np.argmax(deficit) # find the next most deviant asset # If either of these conditions is met, we break out of both while loops # hence the repeated statement below if deficit[idx] < 0 or counter == 10: break ticker, weight = self.weights[idx] price = self.latest_prices[ticker] counter += 1 if deficit[idx] <= 0 or counter == 10: # pragma: no cover # Dirty solution to break out of both loops break # Buy one share at a time shares_bought[idx] += 1 available_funds -= price self.allocation = self._remove_zero_positions( collections.OrderedDict(zip([i[0] for i in self.weights], shares_bought)) ) if verbose: print("Funds remaining: {:.2f}".format(available_funds)) self._allocation_rmse_error(verbose) return self.allocation, available_funds
[文档] def lp_portfolio(self, reinvest=False, verbose=False, solver="ECOS_BB"): """ 使用整数规划将连续权重转换为离散的投资组合分配。 :param reinvest: 是否对做空获得的现金进行再投资 :type reinvest: bool, 默认为 False :param verbose: 是否详细输出 :type verbose: bool :param solver: 使用的 CVXPY 求解器(必须支持混合整数规划) :type solver: str, 默认为 "ECOS_BB" :return: 应该购买的每个股票的数量,以及剩余的资金数额。 :rtype: (dict, float) """ if any([w < 0 for _, w in self.weights]): longs = {t: w for t, w in self.weights if w >= 0} shorts = {t: -w for t, w in self.weights if w < 0} # Make them sum to one long_total_weight = sum(longs.values()) short_total_weight = sum(shorts.values()) longs = {t: w / long_total_weight for t, w in longs.items()} shorts = {t: w / short_total_weight for t, w in shorts.items()} # Construct long-only discrete allocations for each short_val = self.total_portfolio_value * self.short_ratio long_val = self.total_portfolio_value if reinvest: long_val += short_val if verbose: print("\nAllocating long sub-portfolio:") da1 = DiscreteAllocation( longs, self.latest_prices[longs.keys()], total_portfolio_value=long_val ) long_alloc, long_leftover = da1.lp_portfolio(solver=solver) if verbose: print("\nAllocating short sub-portfolio:") da2 = DiscreteAllocation( shorts, self.latest_prices[shorts.keys()], total_portfolio_value=short_val, ) short_alloc, short_leftover = da2.lp_portfolio(solver=solver) short_alloc = {t: -w for t, w in short_alloc.items()} # Combine and return self.allocation = long_alloc.copy() self.allocation.update(short_alloc) self.allocation = self._remove_zero_positions(self.allocation) return self.allocation, long_leftover + short_leftover p = self.latest_prices.values n = len(p) w = np.fromiter([i[1] for i in self.weights], dtype=float) # Integer allocation x = cp.Variable(n, integer=True) # Remaining dollars r = self.total_portfolio_value - p.T @ x # Set up linear program eta = w * self.total_portfolio_value - cp.multiply(x, p) u = cp.Variable(n) constraints = [eta <= u, eta >= -u, x >= 0, r >= 0] objective = cp.sum(u) + r opt = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective), constraints) opt.solve(solver=solver) if opt.status not in {"optimal", "optimal_inaccurate"}: # pragma: no cover raise exceptions.OptimizationError("Please try greedy_portfolio") vals = np.rint(x.value).astype(int) self.allocation = self._remove_zero_positions( collections.OrderedDict(zip([i[0] for i in self.weights], vals)) ) if verbose: print("Funds remaining: {:.2f}".format(r.value)) self._allocation_rmse_error() return self.allocation, r.value