``cla`` 模块包含 CLA 类,它使用 Marcos Lopez de Prado 和 David Bailey 完成的临界线算法生成最佳投资组合。
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from . import base_optimizer
class CLA(base_optimizer.BaseOptimizer):
- 输入:
- ``n_assets`` - int
- ``tickers`` - str list
- ``mean`` - np.ndarray
- ``cov_matrix`` - np.ndarray
- ``expected_returns`` - np.ndarray
- ``lb`` - np.ndarray
- ``ub`` - np.ndarray
- 优化参数:
- ``w`` - np.ndarray list
- ``ls`` - float list
- ``g`` - float list
- ``f`` - float list list
- 输出:
- ``weights`` - np.ndarray
- ``frontier_values`` - (float list, float list, np.ndarray list)
- ``max_sharpe()`` 优化最大夏普比率(又称切线组合)。
- ``min_volatility()`` 优化最小波动率
- ``efficient_frontier()`` 计算整个有效前沿。
- ``portfolio_performance()`` 计算优化后投资组合的期望收益率、波动率和夏普比率。
- ``clean_weights()`` 对权重进行四舍五入,并将接近零值的部分删除。
- ``save_weights_to_file()`` 将权重保存为 csv、json 或 txt。
def __init__(self, expected_returns, cov_matrix, weight_bounds=(0, 1)):
:param expected_returns: expected returns for each asset. Set to None if
optimising for volatility only.
:type expected_returns: pd.Series, list, np.ndarray
:param cov_matrix: covariance of returns for each asset
:type cov_matrix: pd.DataFrame or np.array
:param weight_bounds: minimum and maximum weight of an asset, defaults to (0, 1).
Must be changed to (-1, 1) for portfolios with shorting.
:type weight_bounds: tuple (float, float) or (list/ndarray, list/ndarray) or list(tuple(float, float))
:raises TypeError: if ``expected_returns`` is not a series, list or array
:raises TypeError: if ``cov_matrix`` is not a dataframe or array
# Initialize the class
self.mean = np.array(expected_returns).reshape((len(expected_returns), 1))
# if (self.mean == np.ones(self.mean.shape) * self.mean.mean()).all():
# self.mean[-1, 0] += 1e-5
self.expected_returns = self.mean.reshape((len(self.mean),))
self.cov_matrix = np.asarray(cov_matrix)
# Bounds
if len(weight_bounds) == len(self.mean) and not isinstance(
weight_bounds[0], (float, int)
self.lB = np.array([b[0] for b in weight_bounds]).reshape(-1, 1)
self.uB = np.array([b[1] for b in weight_bounds]).reshape(-1, 1)
if isinstance(weight_bounds[0], (float, int)):
self.lB = np.ones(self.mean.shape) * weight_bounds[0]
self.lB = np.array(weight_bounds[0]).reshape(self.mean.shape)
if isinstance(weight_bounds[0], (float, int)):
self.uB = np.ones(self.mean.shape) * weight_bounds[1]
self.uB = np.array(weight_bounds[1]).reshape(self.mean.shape)
self.w = [] # solution
self.ls = [] # lambdas
self.g = [] # gammas
self.f = [] # free weights
self.frontier_values = None # result of computing efficient frontier
if isinstance(expected_returns, pd.Series):
tickers = list(expected_returns.index)
tickers = list(range(len(self.mean)))
super().__init__(len(tickers), tickers)
def _infnone(x):
Helper method to map None to float infinity.
:param x: argument
:type x: float
:return: infinity if the argument was None otherwise x
:rtype: float
return float("-inf") if x is None else x
def _init_algo(self):
# Initialize the algo
# 1) Form structured array
a = np.zeros((self.mean.shape[0]), dtype=[("id", int), ("mu", float)])
b = [self.mean[i][0] for i in range(self.mean.shape[0])] # dump array into list
# fill structured array
a[:] = list(zip(list(range(self.mean.shape[0])), b))
# 2) Sort structured array
b = np.sort(a, order="mu")
# 3) First free weight
i, w = b.shape[0], np.copy(self.lB)
while sum(w) < 1:
i -= 1
w[b[i][0]] = self.uB[b[i][0]]
w[b[i][0]] += 1 - sum(w)
return [b[i][0]], w
def _compute_bi(self, c, bi):
if c > 0:
bi = bi[1][0]
if c < 0:
bi = bi[0][0]
return bi
def _compute_w(self, covarF_inv, covarFB, meanF, wB):
# 1) compute gamma
onesF = np.ones(meanF.shape)
g1 = np.dot(np.dot(onesF.T, covarF_inv), meanF)
g2 = np.dot(np.dot(onesF.T, covarF_inv), onesF)
if wB is None:
g, w1 = float(-self.ls[-1] * g1 / g2 + 1 / g2), 0
onesB = np.ones(wB.shape)
g3 = np.dot(onesB.T, wB)
g4 = np.dot(covarF_inv, covarFB)
w1 = np.dot(g4, wB)
g4 = np.dot(onesF.T, w1)
g = float(-self.ls[-1] * g1 / g2 + (1 - g3 + g4) / g2)
# 2) compute weights
w2 = np.dot(covarF_inv, onesF)
w3 = np.dot(covarF_inv, meanF)
return -w1 + g * w2 + self.ls[-1] * w3, g
def _compute_lambda(self, covarF_inv, covarFB, meanF, wB, i, bi):
# 1) C
onesF = np.ones(meanF.shape)
c1 = np.dot(np.dot(onesF.T, covarF_inv), onesF)
c2 = np.dot(covarF_inv, meanF)
c3 = np.dot(np.dot(onesF.T, covarF_inv), meanF)
c4 = np.dot(covarF_inv, onesF)
c = -c1 * c2[i] + c3 * c4[i]
if c == 0: # pragma: no cover
return None, None
# 2) bi
if type(bi) == list:
bi = self._compute_bi(c, bi)
# 3) Lambda
if wB is None:
# All free assets
return float((c4[i] - c1 * bi) / c), bi
onesB = np.ones(wB.shape)
l1 = np.dot(onesB.T, wB)
l2 = np.dot(covarF_inv, covarFB)
l3 = np.dot(l2, wB)
l2 = np.dot(onesF.T, l3)
return float(((1 - l1 + l2) * c4[i] - c1 * (bi + l3[i])) / c), bi
def _get_matrices(self, f):
# Slice covarF,covarFB,covarB,meanF,meanB,wF,wB
covarF = self._reduce_matrix(self.cov_matrix, f, f)
meanF = self._reduce_matrix(self.mean, f, [0])
b = self._get_b(f)
covarFB = self._reduce_matrix(self.cov_matrix, f, b)
wB = self._reduce_matrix(self.w[-1], b, [0])
return covarF, covarFB, meanF, wB
def _get_b(self, f):
return self._diff_lists(list(range(self.mean.shape[0])), f)
def _diff_lists(list1, list2):
return list(set(list1) - set(list2))
def _reduce_matrix(matrix, listX, listY):
# Reduce a matrix to the provided list of rows and columns
if len(listX) == 0 or len(listY) == 0:
matrix_ = matrix[:, listY[0] : listY[0] + 1]
for i in listY[1:]:
a = matrix[:, i : i + 1]
matrix_ = np.append(matrix_, a, 1)
matrix__ = matrix_[listX[0] : listX[0] + 1, :]
for i in listX[1:]:
a = matrix_[i : i + 1, :]
matrix__ = np.append(matrix__, a, 0)
return matrix__
def _purge_num_err(self, tol):
# Purge violations of inequality constraints (associated with ill-conditioned cov matrix)
i = 0
while True:
flag = False
if i == len(self.w):
if abs(sum(self.w[i]) - 1) > tol:
flag = True
for j in range(self.w[i].shape[0]):
if (
self.w[i][j] - self.lB[j] < -tol
or self.w[i][j] - self.uB[j] > tol
): # pragma: no cover
flag = True
if flag is True:
del self.w[i]
del self.ls[i]
del self.g[i]
del self.f[i]
i += 1
def _purge_excess(self):
# Remove violations of the convex hull
i, repeat = 0, False
while True:
if repeat is False:
i += 1
if i == len(self.w) - 1:
w = self.w[i]
mu = np.dot(w.T, self.mean)[0, 0]
j, repeat = i + 1, False
while True:
if j == len(self.w):
w = self.w[j]
mu_ = np.dot(w.T, self.mean)[0, 0]
if mu < mu_:
del self.w[i]
del self.ls[i]
del self.g[i]
del self.f[i]
repeat = True
j += 1
def _golden_section(self, obj, a, b, **kargs):
# Golden section method. Maximum if kargs['minimum']==False is passed
tol, sign, args = 1.0e-9, 1, None
if "minimum" in kargs and kargs["minimum"] is False:
sign = -1
if "args" in kargs:
args = kargs["args"]
numIter = int(np.ceil(-2.078087 * np.log(tol / abs(b - a))))
r = 0.618033989
c = 1.0 - r
# Initialize
x1 = r * a + c * b
x2 = c * a + r * b
f1 = sign * obj(x1, *args)
f2 = sign * obj(x2, *args)
# Loop
for i in range(numIter):
if f1 > f2:
a = x1
x1 = x2
f1 = f2
x2 = c * a + r * b
f2 = sign * obj(x2, *args)
b = x2
x2 = x1
f2 = f1
x1 = r * a + c * b
f1 = sign * obj(x1, *args)
if f1 < f2:
return x1, sign * f1
return x2, sign * f2
def _eval_sr(self, a, w0, w1):
# Evaluate SR of the portfolio within the convex combination
w = a * w0 + (1 - a) * w1
b = np.dot(w.T, self.mean)[0, 0]
c = np.dot(np.dot(w.T, self.cov_matrix), w)[0, 0] ** 0.5
return b / c
def _solve(self):
# Compute the turning points,free sets and weights
f, w = self._init_algo()
self.w.append(np.copy(w)) # store solution
while True:
# 1) case a): Bound one free weight
l_in = None
if len(f) > 1:
covarF, covarFB, meanF, wB = self._get_matrices(f)
covarF_inv = np.linalg.inv(covarF)
j = 0
for i in f:
l, bi = self._compute_lambda(
covarF_inv, covarFB, meanF, wB, j, [self.lB[i], self.uB[i]]
if CLA._infnone(l) > CLA._infnone(l_in):
l_in, i_in, bi_in = l, i, bi
j += 1
# 2) case b): Free one bounded weight
l_out = None
if len(f) < self.mean.shape[0]:
b = self._get_b(f)
for i in b:
covarF, covarFB, meanF, wB = self._get_matrices(f + [i])
covarF_inv = np.linalg.inv(covarF)
l, bi = self._compute_lambda(
meanF.shape[0] - 1,
if (self.ls[-1] is None or l < self.ls[-1]) and l > CLA._infnone(
l_out, i_out = l, i
if (l_in is None or l_in < 0) and (l_out is None or l_out < 0):
# 3) compute minimum variance solution
covarF, covarFB, meanF, wB = self._get_matrices(f)
covarF_inv = np.linalg.inv(covarF)
meanF = np.zeros(meanF.shape)
# 4) decide lambda
if CLA._infnone(l_in) > CLA._infnone(l_out):
w[i_in] = bi_in # set value at the correct boundary
covarF, covarFB, meanF, wB = self._get_matrices(f)
covarF_inv = np.linalg.inv(covarF)
# 5) compute solution vector
wF, g = self._compute_w(covarF_inv, covarFB, meanF, wB)
for i in range(len(f)):
w[f[i]] = wF[i]
self.w.append(np.copy(w)) # store solution
if self.ls[-1] == 0:
# 6) Purge turning points
def max_sharpe(self):
:return: asset weights for the max-sharpe portfolio
:rtype: OrderedDict
if not self.w:
# 1) Compute the local max SR portfolio between any two neighbor turning points
w_sr, sr = [], []
for i in range(len(self.w) - 1):
w0 = np.copy(self.w[i])
w1 = np.copy(self.w[i + 1])
kargs = {"minimum": False, "args": (w0, w1)}
a, b = self._golden_section(self._eval_sr, 0, 1, **kargs)
w_sr.append(a * w0 + (1 - a) * w1)
self.weights = w_sr[sr.index(max(sr))].reshape((self.n_assets,))
return self._make_output_weights()
def min_volatility(self):
:return: asset weights for the volatility-minimising portfolio
:rtype: OrderedDict
if not self.w:
var = []
for w in self.w:
a = np.dot(np.dot(w.T, self.cov_matrix), w)
# return min(var)**.5, self.w[var.index(min(var))]
self.weights = self.w[var.index(min(var))].reshape((self.n_assets,))
return self._make_output_weights()
def efficient_frontier(self, points=100):
:param points: rough number of points to evaluate, defaults to 100
:type points: int, optional
:raises ValueError: if weights have not been computed
:return: return list, std list, weight list
:rtype: (float list, float list, np.ndarray list)
if not self.w:
mu, sigma, weights = [], [], []
# remove the 1, to avoid duplications
a = np.linspace(0, 1, points // len(self.w))[:-1]
b = list(range(len(self.w) - 1))
for i in b:
w0, w1 = self.w[i], self.w[i + 1]
if i == b[-1]:
# include the 1 in the last iteration
a = np.linspace(0, 1, points // len(self.w))
for j in a:
w = w1 * j + (1 - j) * w0
mu.append(np.dot(w.T, self.mean)[0, 0])
sigma.append(np.dot(np.dot(w.T, self.cov_matrix), w)[0, 0] ** 0.5)
self.frontier_values = (mu, sigma, weights)
return mu, sigma, weights
def set_weights(self, _):
# Overrides parent method since set_weights does nothing.
raise NotImplementedError("set_weights does nothing for CLA")