Source code for cvxpy.constraints.exponential

Copyright 2013 Steven Diamond, 2022 - the CVXPY Authors

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from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from typing import List, Tuple, TypeVar

import numpy as np

from cvxpy.constraints.cones import Cone
from cvxpy.expressions import cvxtypes
from cvxpy.utilities import scopes

Expression = TypeVar('Expression')

[docs] class ExpCone(Cone): """A reformulated exponential cone constraint. Operates elementwise on :math:`x, y, z`. Original cone: .. math:: K = \\{(x,y,z) \\mid y > 0, ye^{x/y} <= z\\} \\cup \\{(x,y,z) \\mid x \\leq 0, y = 0, z \\geq 0\\} Reformulated cone: .. math:: K = \\{(x,y,z) \\mid y, z > 0, y\\log(y) + x \\leq y\\log(z)\\} \\cup \\{(x,y,z) \\mid x \\leq 0, y = 0, z \\geq 0\\} Parameters ---------- x : Expression x in the exponential cone. y : Expression y in the exponential cone. z : Expression z in the exponential cone. """ def __init__(self, x: Expression, y: Expression, z: Expression, constr_id=None) -> None: Expression = cvxtypes.expression() self.x = Expression.cast_to_const(x) self.y = Expression.cast_to_const(y) self.z = Expression.cast_to_const(z) args = [self.x, self.y, self.z] for val in args: if not (val.is_affine() and val.is_real()): raise ValueError('All arguments must be affine and real.') xs, ys, zs = self.x.shape, self.y.shape, self.z.shape if xs != ys or xs != zs: msg = ("All arguments must have the same shapes. Provided arguments have" "shapes %s" % str((xs, ys, zs))) raise ValueError(msg) super(ExpCone, self).__init__(args, constr_id) def __str__(self) -> str: return "ExpCone(%s, %s, %s)" % (self.x, self.y, self.z) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "ExpCone(%s, %s, %s)" % (self.x, self.y, self.z) @property def residual(self): # TODO(akshayka): The projection should be implemented directly. from cvxpy import Minimize, Problem, Variable, hstack, norm2 if self.x.value is None or self.y.value is None or self.z.value is None: return None x = Variable(self.x.shape) y = Variable(self.y.shape) z = Variable(self.z.shape) constr = [ExpCone(x, y, z)] obj = Minimize(norm2(hstack([x, y, z]) - hstack([self.x.value, self.y.value, self.z.value]))) problem = Problem(obj, constr) return problem.solve() @property def size(self) -> int: """The number of entries in the combined cones. """ return 3 * self.num_cones() def num_cones(self): """The number of elementwise cones. """ return self.x.size def as_quad_approx(self, m: int, k: int) -> RelEntrConeQuad: return RelEntrConeQuad(self.y, self.z, -self.x, m, k) def cone_sizes(self) -> List[int]: """The dimensions of the exponential cones. Returns ------- list A list of the sizes of the elementwise cones. """ return [3]*self.num_cones()
[docs] def is_dcp(self, dpp: bool = False) -> bool: """An exponential constraint is DCP if each argument is affine. """ if dpp: with scopes.dpp_scope(): return all(arg.is_affine() for arg in self.args) return all(arg.is_affine() for arg in self.args)
def is_dgp(self, dpp: bool = False) -> bool: return False def is_dqcp(self) -> bool: return self.is_dcp() @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: s = (3,) + self.x.shape return s def save_dual_value(self, value) -> None: # TODO(akshaya,SteveDiamond): verify that reshaping below works correctly value = np.reshape(value, newshape=(-1, 3)) dv0 = np.reshape(value[:, 0], newshape=self.x.shape) dv1 = np.reshape(value[:, 1], newshape=self.y.shape) dv2 = np.reshape(value[:, 2], newshape=self.z.shape) self.dual_variables[0].save_value(dv0) self.dual_variables[1].save_value(dv1) self.dual_variables[2].save_value(dv2) def _dual_cone(self, *args): """Implements the dual cone of the exponential cone See Pg 85 of the MOSEK modelling cookbook for more information""" if args == (): return ExpCone(-self.dual_variables[1], -self.dual_variables[0], np.exp(1) * self.dual_variables[2]) else: # some assertions for verifying `args` args_shapes = [arg.shape for arg in args] instance_args_shapes = [arg.shape for arg in self.args] assert len(args) == len(self.args) assert args_shapes == instance_args_shapes return ExpCone(-args[1], -args[0], np.exp(1)*args[2])
[docs] class RelEntrConeQuad(Cone): """An approximate construction of the scalar relative entropy cone Definition: .. math:: K_{re}=\\text{cl}\\{(x,y,z)\\in\\mathbb{R}_{++}\\times \\mathbb{R}_{++}\\times\\mathbb{R}_{++}\\:x\\log(x/y)\\leq z\\} Since the above definition is very similar to the ExpCone, we provide a conversion method. More details on the approximation can be found in Theorem-3 on page-10 in the paper: Semidefinite Approximations of the Matrix Logarithm. Parameters ---------- x : Expression x in the (approximate) scalar relative entropy cone y : Expression y in the (approximate) scalar relative entropy cone z : Expression z in the (approximate) scalar relative entropy cone m: Parameter directly related to the number of generated nodes for the quadrature approximation used in the algorithm k: Another parameter controlling the approximation """ def __init__(self, x: Expression, y: Expression, z: Expression, m: int, k: int, constr_id=None) -> None: Expression = cvxtypes.expression() self.x = Expression.cast_to_const(x) self.y = Expression.cast_to_const(y) self.z = Expression.cast_to_const(z) args = [self.x, self.y, self.z] for val in args: if not (val.is_affine() and val.is_real()): raise ValueError('All Expression arguments must be affine and real.') self.m = m self.k = k xs, ys, zs = self.x.shape, self.y.shape, self.z.shape if xs != ys or xs != zs: msg = ("All arguments must have the same shapes. Provided arguments have" "shapes %s" % str((xs, ys, zs))) raise ValueError(msg) super(RelEntrConeQuad, self).__init__([self.x, self.y, self.z], constr_id) def get_data(self): return [self.m, self.k,] def __str__(self) -> str: tup = (self.x, self.y, self.z, self.m, self.k) return "RelEntrConeQuad(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" % tup def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__() @property def residual(self): # TODO(akshayka): The projection should be implemented directly. from cvxpy import Minimize, Problem, Variable, hstack, norm2 if self.x.value is None or self.y.value is None or self.z.value is None: return None cvxtypes.expression() x = Variable(self.x.shape) y = Variable(self.y.shape) z = Variable(self.z.shape) constr = [RelEntrConeQuad(x, y, z, self.m, self.k)] obj = Minimize(norm2(hstack([x, y, z]) - hstack([self.x.value, self.y.value, self.z.value]))) problem = Problem(obj, constr) return problem.solve() @property def size(self) -> int: """The number of entries in the combined cones. """ return 3 * self.num_cones() def num_cones(self): """The number of elementwise cones. """ return self.x.size def cone_sizes(self) -> List[int]: """The dimensions of the exponential cones. Returns ------- list A list of the sizes of the elementwise cones. """ return [3]*self.num_cones()
[docs] def is_dcp(self, dpp: bool = False) -> bool: """An exponential constraint is DCP if each argument is affine. """ if dpp: with scopes.dpp_scope(): return all(arg.is_affine() for arg in self.args) return all(arg.is_affine() for arg in self.args)
def is_dgp(self, dpp: bool = False) -> bool: return False def is_dqcp(self) -> bool: return self.is_dcp() @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: s = (3,) + self.x.shape return s def save_dual_value(self, value) -> None: # TODO: implement me. pass
[docs] class OpRelEntrConeQuad(Cone): """An approximate construction of the operator relative entropy cone Definition: .. math:: K_{re}^n=\\text{cl}\\{(X,Y,T)\\in\\mathbb{H}^n_{++}\\times \\mathbb{H}^n_{++}\\times\\mathbb{H}^n_{++}\\:D_{\\text{op}}\\succeq T\\} More details on the approximation can be found in Theorem-3 on page-10 in the paper: Semidefinite Approximations of the Matrix Logarithm. Parameters ---------- X : Expression x in the (approximate) operator relative entropy cone Y : Expression y in the (approximate) operator relative entropy cone Z : Expression Z in the (approximate) operator relative entropy cone m: int Must be positive. Controls the number of quadrature nodes used in a local approximation of the matrix logarithm. Increasing this value results in better local approximations, but does not significantly expand the region of inputs for which the approximation is effective. k: int Must be positive. Sets the number of scaling points about which the quadrature approximation is performed. Increasing this value will expand the region of inputs over which the approximation is effective. This approximation uses :math:`m + k` semidefinite constraints. """ def __init__(self, X: Expression, Y: Expression, Z: Expression, m: int, k: int, constr_id=None) -> None: Expression = cvxtypes.expression() self.X = Expression.cast_to_const(X) self.Y = Expression.cast_to_const(Y) self.Z = Expression.cast_to_const(Z) if (not X.is_hermitian()) or (not Y.is_hermitian()) or (not Z.is_hermitian()): msg = ("One of the input matrices has not explicitly been declared as symmetric or" "Hermitian. If the inputs are Variable objects, try declaring them with the" "symmetric=True or Hermitian=True properties. If the inputs are general " "Expression objects that are known to be symmetric or Hermitian, then you" "can wrap them with the symmetric_wrap and hermitian_wrap atoms. Failure to" "do one of these things will cause this function to impose a symmetry or" "conjugate-symmetry constraint internally, in a way that is very" "inefficient.") warnings.warn(msg) self.m = m self.k = k Xs, Ys, Zs = self.X.shape, self.Y.shape, self.Z.shape if Xs != Ys or Xs != Zs: msg = ("All arguments must have the same shapes. Provided arguments have" "shapes %s" % str((Xs, Ys, Zs))) raise ValueError(msg) super(OpRelEntrConeQuad, self).__init__([self.X, self.Y, self.Z], constr_id) def get_data(self): return [self.m, self.k,] def __str__(self) -> str: tup = (self.X, self.Y, self.Z, self.m, self.k) return "OpRelEntrConeQuad(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" % tup def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__() @property def residual(self): # TODO: implement me raise NotImplementedError() @property def size(self) -> int: """The number of entries in the combined cones. """ return 3 * self.num_cones() def num_cones(self): """The number of elementwise cones. """ return self.X.size def cone_sizes(self) -> List[int]: """The dimensions of the exponential cones. Returns ------- list A list of the sizes of the elementwise cones. """ return [3]*self.num_cones()
[docs] def is_dcp(self, dpp: bool = False) -> bool: """An operator relative conic constraint is DCP when (A, b, C) is affine """ if dpp: with scopes.dpp_scope(): return all(arg.is_affine() for arg in self.args) return all(arg.is_affine() for arg in self.args)
def is_dgp(self, dpp: bool = False) -> bool: return False def is_dqcp(self) -> bool: return self.is_dcp() @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: s = (3,) + self.X.shape return s def save_dual_value(self, value) -> None: # TODO: implement me. pass